Congratulations to Ana Barrios, Vanda Pereira and Iryna Zelenina!
Over the last 1.5 weeks, three IMPRS students successfully defended their PhD thesis. The "series" started with Ana Barrios, whose work under the supervision of Dr. Iryna Antonyshyn and Prof. Juri Grin resulted in a thesis on "Pt-based Intermetallic Compounds as Precursors for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) Electrocatalysis".
A few days later, Vanda Pereira defended her thesis on "In situ studies of Bi2Te3 thin films and interfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy". Vanda worked as a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Simone Altendorf and Prof. Dr. Liu Hao Tjeng.
And, last but not least, Iryna Zelenina completed her PhD project on "Studies on structural complexity by transmission electron microscopy" under the supervision of Dr. Paul Simon and Prof. Juri Grin by a successful defense last Friday.
All three were awarded the distinction "magna cum laude", i.e. "with high praise", and we congratulate them on this achievement.
We wish them all the best for the next steps in their careers. We also would like to thank Ana and Vanda for serving as PhD representatives during their time at the MPI CPfS and for their commitment to the PhD community