Publications of Jörg Sichelschmidt

Journal Article (112)

Journal Article
Herz, M. A.; Hübner, J.-M.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Friedrich, R.; Ruck, M.: Heavy Atom Cluster Chains with Strong Spin–Orbit Coupling and Magnetic Cations in Mn[PtBi6I12]. Inorganic Chemistry 63 (50), pp. 23867 - 23876 (2024)
Journal Article
Guchhait, S.; Painganoor, A.; Islam, S. S.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Le, M. D.; Christensen, N. B.; Nath, R.: Magnetic and crystal electric field studies of the rare earth based square lattice antiferromagnet NdKNaNbO5. Physical Review B 110 (14), 144434, pp. 1 - 13 (2024)
Journal Article
Sana, B.; Barik, M.; Lee, S.; Jena, U.; Baenitz, M.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Luther, S.; Kühne, H.; Sethupathi, K.; Ramachandra Rao, M. S. et al.; Choi, K. Y.; Khuntia, P.: Possible realization of a randomness-driven quantum disordered state in the S=1/2 antiferromagnet Sr3CuTa2O9. Physical Review B 110, 134412, pp. 1 - 11 (2024)
Journal Article
Sana, B.; Barik, M.; Pregelj, M.; Jena, U.; Baenitz, M.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Sethupathi, K.; Khuntia, P.: Magnetic properties of a spin-orbit entangled Jeff=1/2 three-dimensional frustrated rare-earth hyperkagome material. Physical Review B 108, 134413, pp. 1 - 12 (2023)
Journal Article
Mohanty, S.; Islam, S. S.; Winterhalter-Stocker, N.; Jesche, A.; Simutis, G.; Wang, C.; Guguchia, Z.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Baenitz, M.; Tsirlin, A. A. et al.; Gegenwart, P.; Nath, R.: Disordered ground state in the spin-orbit coupled Jeff=1/2 distorted honeycomb magnet BiYbGeO5. Phys. Rev. B 108, 134408, pp. 1 - 7 (2023)
Journal Article
Xie, T.; Eberharter, A. A.; Xing, J.; Nishimoto, S.; Brando, M.; Khanenko, P.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Turrini, A. A.; Mazzone, D. G.; Naumov, P. G. et al.; Sanjeewa, L. D.; Harrison, N.; Sefat, A. S.; Normand, B.; Läuchli, A. M.; Podlesnyak, A.; Nikitin, S. E.: Complete field-induced spectral response of the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsYbSe2. npj Quantum Materials 8, 48, pp. 1 - 9 (2023)
Journal Article
Sichelschmidt, J.; Häußler, E.; Vinokurova, E.; Baenitz, M.; Doert, T.: Electron spin resonance study on the 4f honeycomb quantum magnet YbCl3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35 (42), 425601, pp. 1 - 6 (2023)
Journal Article
Krebber, S.; Kopp, M.; Garg, C.; Kummer, K.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Schulz, S.; Poelchen, G.; Mende, M.; Virovets, A. V.; Warawa, K. et al.; Thomson, M. D.; Tarasov, A. V.; Usachov, D. Y.; Vyalikh, D. V.; Roskos, H. G.; Müller, J.; Krellner, C.; Kliemt, K.: Colossal magnetoresistance in EuZn2P2 and its electronic and magnetic structure. Physical Review B 108 (4), 045116, pp. 1 - 12 (2023)
Journal Article
Somesh, K.; Islam, S. S.; Mohanty, S.; Simutis, G.; Guguchia, Z.; Wang, C.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Baenitz, M.; Nath, R.: Absence of magnetic order and emergence of unconventional fluctuations in the Jeff=1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet YbBO3. Physical Review B 107 (6), 064421, pp. 1 - 10 (2023)
Journal Article
Häussler, E.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Baenitz, M.; Doert, T.: Synthesis and characterization of the solid-solution series NaYb1-xLuxS2 in the α-NaFeO2 structure type. Acta Crystallographica A 78 (Supplement), pp. E531 - E532 (2022)
Journal Article
Ehlers, D.; Vasylechko, L.; Medvecká, Z.; Sichelschmidt, J.: Magnetic Anisotropy in YbAlO3 Studied by Electron Spin Resonance. Applied Magnetic Resonance, pp. 1 - 7 (2022)
Journal Article
Carlone, M.; Souza, J. C.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Rosa, P. F. S.; Urbano, R. R.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Fisk, Z.; Venegas, P. A.; Schlottmann, P.; Rettori, C.: Slow crystalline electric field fluctuations in the Kondo lattice SmB6. Physical Review B 105, 205116, pp. 1 - 9 (2022)
Journal Article
Häußler, E.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Baenitz, M.; Andrade, E. C.; Vojta, M.; Doert, T.: Diluting a triangular-lattice spin liquid: Synthesis and characterization of NaYb1-xLuxS2 single crystals. Physical Review Materials 6, 046201, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Kimura, S.-i.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Khim, S.: Optical study of the electronic structure of locally noncentrosymmetric CeRh2As2. Physical Review B 104 (24), 245116, pp. 1 - 7 (2021)
Journal Article
Baenitz, M.; Piva, M. M.; Luther, S.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Ranjith, K. M.; Dawczak-Dȩbicki, H.; Ajeesh, M. O.; Kim, S.; Siemann, G.; Bigi, C. et al.; Manuel, P.; Khalyavin, D.; Sokolov, D. A.; Mokhtari, P.; Zhang, H.; Yasuoka, H.; King, P. D. C.; Vinai, G.; Polewczyk, V.; Torelli, P.; Wosnitza, J.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, B.; Rosner, H.; Wirth, S.; Kühne, H.; Nicklas, M.; Schmidt, M.: Planar triangular S=3/2 magnet AgCrSe2: Magnetic frustration, short range correlations, and field-tuned anisotropic cycloidal magnetic order. Physical Review B 104 (13), 134410, pp. 1 - 16 (2021)
Journal Article
Sichelschmidt, J.; Gruner, T.; Das, D.; Hossain, Z.: Electron spin resonance of the itinerant ferromagnets LaCrGe3, CeCrGe3 and PrCrGe3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (49), 495605, pp. 1 - 6 (2021)
Journal Article
Souza, J. C.; König, M.; Ale Crivillero, M. V.; Malcolms, M. O.; Urbano, R. R.; Fisk, Z.; Rosa, P. F. S.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Wirth, S.; Sichelschmidt, J.: Surface excitations relaxation in the Kondo insulator Sm1-xGdxB6. Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033016, pp. 1 - 13 (2021)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Ranjith, K. M.; Doert, T.; Baenitz, M.: Yb delafossites: Unique exchange frustration of 4f spin-1/2 moments on a perfect triangular lattice. Physical Review B 103 (21), 214445, pp. 1 - 18 (2021)
Journal Article
Kimura, S.-i.; Kwon, Y. S.; Krellner, C.; Sichelschmidt, J.: Optical evidence of local and itinerant states in Ce- and Yb-heavy-fermion compounds. Electronic Structure 3 (2), 024007, pp. 1 - 8 (2021)
Journal Article
Ale Crivillero, M. V.; König, M.; Souza, J. C.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Rosa, P. F. S.; Fisk, Z.; Wirth, S.: Systematic manipulation of the surface conductivity of SmB6. Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023162, pp. 1 - 7 (2021)
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