Successful defense by Clemens Schindler
Earlier this week, Clemens Schindler successfully took the final step towards his doctoral degree and defended his thesis on "Uniaxial-stress response, electron-phonon interaction, and magnetic interactions in topological semimetals and narrow-gap semiconductors" and we congratulate him on this achievement. Clemens pursued his research project in the group of Dr. Johannes Gooth, and was awarded the distinction "magna cum laude" for his work and his thesis defense by his thesis committee.
During his time in IMPRS-CPQM, Clemens also was a PhD representative in the academic year 2019/2020 and helped organize many activities for the PhD community at the institute. We thank Clemens for his service as a representative.
As the next step in his professional career, Clemens will leave academia and pursue a career in industry. We wish him all the best for his career and look forward to welcoming him back for one of our career seminars.