Our research activities

At the core of IMPRS-CPQM is the research that we carry out, to which our PhD students make a major contribution. Thanks to the scale of our facilities we cover a broad range of topics in modern physics and chemistry research into quantum materials. As it befits an interdisciplinary IMPRS like ours, we do not only cross boundaries between physics and chemistry in a large number of research topics, but rather choose a dedicated collaborative approach between research groups from different disciplines. Research fields covered by IMPRS-CPQM include, but not are not restricted to: 

Research groups: Hicks, Mackenzie, Nicklas, King, Gati, Goodge, Noad
Research groups: Hicks, Mackenzie, Molenkamp, Meng, Svanidze, H. Zhang, Gibbs, Vool, Menges, Goodge, Poccia, Noad, Yi
Research groups: Grin, Hassinger, Doert, Svanidze
Research groups: Felser, King, Wahl, Ruck, Davis, Vojta, Molenkamp, Meng, Shekhar, Rellinghaus, Cook, Vool, Wang, Nicklas, Menges, Y. Zhang, Ge, Pohl, Feng, Yi, Cheng
Research groups: Brando, Khim, Mackenzie, Klauß, Hassinger, Davis, Vojta, Meng, Wosnitza, Gibbs, Nicklas, Noad
 Research groups: Grin, Felser, Ruck, Schwarz
 Research groups: Inosov, Stockert, Gibbs
 Research groups: Antonyshyn, Grin, Strassner
Research group: Klauß
Research groups: Wahl, Davis, Wirth, Ge
Research groups: Braunecker, Rosner, Vojta, Keeling, Wagner, van den Brink, Meng, Cook, Y. Zhang
Research groups: Leo, Samuel
Research groups: Grin, Ruck, Doert, Rellinghaus, Wolf, Gibbs, Goodge, Pohl

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