Looking back at the APS March Meeting and DPG Spring Meeting
Researchers from MPI CPfS gave a total of about 100 presentations on their research at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans and the DPG Spring Meeting, respectively, over the past two weeks. In addition, a large number of scientist from the partner universities in IMPRS-CPQM, the University of St Andrews and TU Dresden, also participated in these meetings to showcase their recent results. Both conferences provided a great opportunity for everyone not only to discuss their research, but also to meet up with former and possibly future colleagues.
At the March Meeting, we also presented research opportunities within the Max Planck Society as part of the joint booth for "Research in Germany". You can read a review of our successful presence at the exhibit on the webpage of the German Research Foundation.
If you saw a presentation by one of our scientists which made you curious about PhD opportunities in IMPRS-CPQM, but didn't have a chance to talk to them during the conference, please don't hesitate to contact us or the respective PI directly.