Exploring job opportunities on the non-academic job market
- Start: Feb 8, 2018
- End: Feb 9, 2018
- Speaker: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf (Jena)
- Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden

When finishing your PhD or a few years of postdoc, it makes sense to decide if you want to stay in academia or if you look for a job in industry or the public sector. Often scientists do not know enough about their options and the way to find proper jobs. In this workshop, you will learn how to find jobs that fit your competencies.
Topics of the workshop include:
- Science careers are challenging; what are pros and cons of science career?
- What are risks?
- Until when should I decide to stay or to leave?
- How are labour markets structured? What are job profiles of scientists?
- Job search I: How can you find out your competencies and how to use them to search for jobs?
- Job search II: Searching with search engines and why this is not enough – different ways for job search.
- Founding your own business – How to create your own job and how to earn money with it?
On the second day of the workshop, an individual or small-group coaching will give participants the opportunity to talk about specific questions concerning their own situation. Appointments will be made during the workshop.
The workshop is targeted towards students in the 3rd or 4th year of their PhD and Postdocs at MPI-CPfS. Please feel free to contact Gudrun Auffermann for further information and registration. Number of participants is limited.