From science to finance: about a surprisingly exothermic transition
- Date: Feb 23, 2018
- Time: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. David Bende (MPI CPfS alumnus, now working at d-fine)
- Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden

No matter if you are working on chemical reactions or topological insulators, one question is common to all students of the natural sciences: what can I do with my degree after my studies? Adding to the straightforward answers to this question my talk will focus on a further career option which seems a bit less obvious at first sight. In fact, I as a chemist who graduated from the MPI CPfS in early 2016 did not know about this option until 2 months before I accepted the corresponding job offer. The option I am talking about is a career as a consultant in the financial industry.
My talk will give you an impression on why the transition from science to finance might be much less problematic as it seems and why d-fine as a company for finance and risk consulting is so successful with employing mainly natural scientists and mathematicians. Furthermore, I will give you some examples of possible tasks and working environments, introduce d-fine as an employer in more detail and talk about the daily life of a consultant in finance and risk. Afterwards, a partner from d-fine and I will be available for further questions and discussions.