Developing your research brand
- Start: Aug 28, 2018
- End: Aug 29, 2018
- Speaker: Dr. Beate Scholz
- Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden

Developing a unique research profile plays an important role in establishing a successful research career. This workshop will offer participants assistance with the further planning of their scientific careers and the development of their research profiles, taking into account the participants’ individual trajectories. their scientific careers and the development of their research profiles, taking into account the participants’ individual trajectories.
At pivotal points in their career, researchers often feel a need to deliberate their position and competencies, and to balance various career options. This applies especially to the transition period between qualification phases, e.g. at the end of the doctorate and the beginning of the postdoc phase. Information on funding and career developments as well as awareness on own strengths and interests are key for taking informed decisions on the way forward.
- Individual self-positioning and look ahead: Analysis of current status and (career) goals: This element focuses on the participants’ self-reflection on their current status as well as their short, middle and long-term career goals.
- The research system in Germany and Europe: In this element, central information on the German and European research system and its paramount players as well as on current trends in the career development of researchers will be given.
- Typology of research funding and career development schemes: The focus of this element lies in providing an overview as well as specific insight into funding programmes suitable to the participants’ needs.
- Participants’ current research profile - Individual analysis and qualified feedback: This module focuses on identifying participants’ core areas in research und on outlining the golden thread of their respective scientific careers.
- Participants‘ future research profile - Intended perception, incl. outline of individual strategy concepts: Finally, participants will be invited to consider future options and funding possibilities for further pursuing their scientific interests.
- Individual draft, short presentation in the plenary, and discussion of a grant summary or strategic concept
The workshop is primarily targeted at scientists at the postdoc stage and further advanced in their career. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact Gudrun Auffermann.