Principle of Nuclear Magnetic and Quadrupole Resonances and their Applications to Magnetic and Superconducting Material
- Start: Sep 4, 2018
- End: Oct 2, 2018
- Speaker: Prof. Hiroshi Yasuoka
- Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden
Professor Hiroshi Yasuoka, visiting professor in Physics of Quantum Materials at MPI CPfS, will be giving a series of five lectures on the "Principle of Nuclear Magnetic and Quadrupole Resonances and their Applications to Magnetic and Superconducting Materials".
Hiroshi Yasuoka is a world-renowned expert on NMR and NQR. During his current visit at MPI CPfS, he will offer a five-part lecture series which will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to NMR
- Phenomenological theory of NMR and NQR
- Experimental technique - Pulsed NMR
- Static Hyperfine Interaction
- Dynamical Hyperfine Interaction
- Applications - recent advances in exotic materials
The lectures will take place every Tuesday from 11:00 - 12:00.