Comprehensive Course on Topology and Materials
- Start: Apr 16, 2021
- End: Jul 23, 2021
- Speaker: see schedule
- Location: online lectures

Over the next few weeks, Claudia Felser and group leaders from her department will offer a comprehensive course on Topology and Materials. The course is mostly targeted at PhD students and postdocs, but everyone interested in topological phenomena is welcome to attend the lectures. All lectures are digitally recorded and made available online to participants as a video stream throughout the whole semester.
Several scientists will give lectures on
their respective research area, so that the course will offer a broad introduction into
the field of topological materials and at the same time provide a great
overview over the research activities at our institute in this field. The researchers giving the individual lectures all work at the forefront
of this exciting topic and are contribute to the world-leading activities at
MPI-CPfS in their respective research area.
The course will start on 16 April 2021. Lectures take place on Fridays from 13:00 - 15:00, and will
be offered based on the following schedule:
- 16 April Introduction and crystal structure (Claudia Felser)
- 23 April From topological bonds and bands (Claudia Felser)
- 30 April Topological Quantum Chemistry, single particule picture (Maia Vergniory)
- 7 May Synthesis of topological crystals (Chandra Shekhar)
- 14 May Transport Properties in experiment: Hall, anomalous Hall, chiral anomaly (Chandra Shekhar)
- 21 May Transport properties theory: Berry curvature (Yan Sun)
- 4 June Quantum Hall effect (Johannes Gooth)
- 11 June Magnetism and Topology in experiment (Claudia Felser)
- 18 June Topological Quantum Chemistry, magnetism, and correlations (Maia Vergniory)
- 25 June Transport properties theory II: QHE and nonlinear transport (Yan Sun)
- 2 July Transport Properties in experiment II (Johannes Gooth)
- 9 July Topology, high energy physics and astrophysics (Johannes Gooth)
- 16 July Light matter interaction and topology (Fabian Menges)
23 July New fermions, chirality, and chemistry (Claudia Felser)
Details about the individual lectures will be announced here.