Winter School:
Tc on the rise - Novel Trends in Superconductivity
Jointly organized between IMPRS-CMS (Stuttgart), IMPRS-CPQM (Dresden) & MPI-UBC-UTokyo Center for Quantum Materials
- Start: Dec 3, 2024
- End: Dec 6, 2024
- Location: Stuttgart, Germany
More than a hundred years after its discovery, superconductivity continues to fascinate researchers around the world, not least because of its great potential for applications. However, resistance-free current transport and perfect diamagnetism are only practical near room temperature. Therefore, the search for superconductivity with ever-higher transition temperature Tc remains at the forefront of research efforts.
In this Winter School we bring together experts in the field to learn how superconductivity can be explained by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schriefer theory and what makes some superconductors unconventional or topological. Our speakers will show in which materials superconductivity has been discovered so far, what they have in common and what makes them different. They will provide insights into how experiments reveal unique properties, how hydrides become superconducting at room temperature and high pressure, how laser pulses can induce transient superconducting states, and how the magnetic properties of superconductors can be exploited in future applications.
Confirmed invited Speakers (alphabetically)
- T. Arndt (KIT)
- M. Berciu (UBC)
- A. Damascelli (UBC)
- S. Friedemann (University of Bristol)
- A. Grockowiak (IFW Dresden)
- A. Mackenzie (MPI-CPfS)
- D. Nicoletti (MPI-MPSD)
- H. Noad (MPI-CPfS)
- T. Schäfer (MPI-FKF)
- M. Scheurer (U-Stuttgart)
- A. Schnyder (MPI-FKF)
- R. Shimano (U-Tokyo)
- M. Sigrist (ETH Zürich)
- H. Takagi (MPI-FKF)
- E. Zurek (University at Buffalo)
Lecture hall 2D5 at the MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart
Student Contribution
PhD students will have the opportunity to present their work as a poster during the poster session. If you wish to receive a certificate of attendance, a poster contribution is mandatory. |