Publications of B. Schmidt

Journal Article (56)

Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.; Shannon, N.: Magnetocaloric effect in the frustrated square lattice J1-J2 model. Physical Review B 76, 125113, pp. 125113-1 - 125113-19 (2007)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Shannon, N.; Thalmeier, P.: The frustrated J1-J2 model in high magnetic fields. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 145211, pp. 145211-1 - 145211-6 (2007)
Journal Article
Zerec, I.; Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Kondo lattice model in magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, pp. e48 - e50 (2007)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Shannon, N.; Thalmeier, P.: Thermodynamic properties of the J1–J2 model at finite magnetic fields. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, pp. 1231 - 1233 (2007)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Shannon, N.; Thalmeier, P.: Two-dimensional frustrated spin systems in high magnetic fields. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 51, pp. 207 - 210 (2006)
Journal Article
Zerec, I.; Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Kondo lattice model studied with the finite temperature Lanczos method. Physical Review B 73 (24), pp. 245108-1 - 245108-6 (2006)
Journal Article
Zerec, I.; Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Finite temperature properties of Kondo lattice-type model with exact diagonalization. Physica B 378-380, pp. 702 - 703 (2006)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Third-order magnetic susceptibility of the frustrated square-lattice antiferromagnet. Physica B-Condensed Matter 359-361, pp. 1387 - 1390 (2005)
Journal Article
Shannon, N.; Schmidt, B.; Penc, K.; Thalmeier, P.: Finite temperature properties and frustrated ferromagnetism in a square lattice Heisenberg model. European Physical Journal B 38 (4), pp. 599 - 616 (2004)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Yushankhai, V.; Siurakshina, L.; Thalmeier, P.: Chain segmentation and the origin of low-T magnetic moments in quasi one-dimensional Ba2V3O9. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Supplement) 272-276, pp. e673 - e674 (2004)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Yushankhai, V.; Siurakshina, L.; Thalmeier, P.: Magnetic susceptibility in quasi one-dimensional Ba2V3O9: chain segmentation versus the staggered field effect. European Physical Journal B 32 (1), pp. 43 - 47 (2003)
Journal Article
Lang, M.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Wolf, B.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Gegenwart, P.; Schmidt, B.; Steglich, F.; Ochiai, A.: Thermodynamic studies of the field-induced gap in the quasi- one-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3. International Journal of Modern Physics B 16 (20-22), pp. 3018 - 3023 (2002)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Gegenwart, P.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Charge ordering and onedimensional magnetism in Yb4As3. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan / Supplement 71, pp. 64 - 69 (2002)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Custers, J.; Gegenwart, P.; Kohgi, M.; Lang, M.; Langhammer, C.; Ochiai, A.; Paschen, S. et al.; Steglich, F.; Suzuki, T.; Thalmeier, P.; Wand, B.; Yaresko, A.: Low-energy excitaions of the semimetallic one-dimensional S = 1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Physica B 300, pp. 121 - 138 (2001)
Journal Article
Steglich, F.; Köppen, M.; Gegenwart, P.; Cichorek, T.; Wand, B.; Lang, M.; Thalmeier, P.; Schmidt, B.; Aoki, H.; Ockiai, A.: MAGNON AND SOLITON EXCITATIONS IN THE CARRIER-POOR, ONE-DIMENSIONAL S = 1/2 ANTIFERROMAGNET Yb4As3. Acta Physica Polonica A 97 (1), pp. 1 - 10 (2000)
Journal Article
Köppen, M.; Lang, M.; Helfrich, R.; Steglich, F.; Thalmeier, P.; Schmidt, B.; Wand, B.; Pankert, D.; Benner, H.; Aoki, H. et al.; Ochiai, A.: Solitary Magnetic Excitations in the Low-Carrier Density, One-Dimensional S = 1/2 Antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Physical Review Letters 82 (22), pp. 4548 - 4551 (1999)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Schmidt, B.; Siahatgar, M.; Thalmeier, P.: Magnetic Field Effects in Frustrated Low-Dimensional Magnets. European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM, Poznań, Poland, June 27, 2011 - July 01, 2011. Acta Physica Polonica A 121 (5-6), pp. 1089 - 1091 (2012)
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