Publications of H. Rosner

Journal Article (305)

Journal Article
Leithe-Jasper, A.; Schnelle, W.; Rosner, H.; Baenitz, M.; Rabis, A.; Gippius, A. A.; Morozova, E. N.; Borrmann, H.; Burkhardt, U.; Ramlau, R. et al.; Schwarz, U.; Mydosh, J. A.; Grin, Y.; Ksenofontov, V.; Reiman, S.: Weak itinerant ferromagnetism and electronic and crystal structures of alkali-metal iron antimonides: NaFe4Sb12 and KFe4Sb12. Physical Review B 70 (21), 214418, pp. 1 - 12 (2004)
Journal Article
Wälte, A.; Fuchs, G.; Müller, K.-H.; Handstein, A.; Nenkov, K.; Narozhnyi, V. N.; Drechsler, S.-L.; Shulga, S.; Schultz, L.; Rosner, H.: Evidence for strong electron-phonon coupling in MgCNi3. Physical Review B 70 (17), pp. 174503-1 - 174503-18 (2004)
Journal Article
Drechsler, S.-L.; Rosner, H.; Kim, T. K.; Knupfer, M.; Málek, J.; Eschrig, H.: Electronic structure and magnetism of the "pseudo-ladder" compounds ACu2O3, A = Ca,Mg. Physica C-Superconductivity and its Applications 408-410, pp. 270 - 272 (2004)
Journal Article
Drechsler, S.-L.; Rosner, H.; Opahle, I.; Shulga, S. V.; Eschrig, H.: Electronic structure and anisotropic superconductivity in diborides and borocarbides. Physica C 408-410, pp. 104 - 106 (2004)
Journal Article
Gippius, A. A.; Morozova, E. N.; Moskvin, A. S.; Zalessky, A. V.; Bush, A. A.; Baenitz, M.; Rosner, H.; Drechsler, S.-L.: NMR and local-density-approximation evidence for spiral magnetic order in the chain cuprate LiCu2O2. Physical Review B 70 (2), pp. 020406-1 - 020406-4 (2004)
Journal Article
Saha-Dasgupta, T.; Valentí, R.; Rosner, H.; Gros, C.: TiOCl, an orbital-ordered system? Europhysics Letters 67 (1), pp. 63 - 69 (2004)
Journal Article
Gäbler, F.; Kirchner, M.; Schnelle, W.; Rosner, H.; Niewa, R.: Perowskit-Nitride (A3Nx)E mit A = Sr, Ba und E = Sb, Bi (x = 1), E = Sn, Pb (x < 1). Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 630, p. 1723 - 1723 (2004)
Journal Article
Gäbler, F.; Kirchner, M.; Schnelle, W.; Schwarz, U.; Schmitt, M.; Rosner, H.; Niewa, R.: (Sr3N)E and (Ba3N)E (E = Sb, Bi): Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Physical Properties. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 630 (13-14), pp. 2292 - 2298 (2004)
Journal Article
Höhn, P.; Ramlau, R.; Rosner, H.; Schnelle, W.; Kniep, R.: (Ca7N4)Mx (M = Ag, Ga, In, Tl): Subnitride und Metallketten 1Mx. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 630, p. 1704 - 1704 (2004)
Journal Article
Kaul, E. E.; Rosner, H.; Shannon, N.; Shpanchenko, R. V.; Geibel, C.: Evidence for a frustrated square lattice with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interaction in the new compound Pb2VO(PO4)2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276, pp. 922 - 923 (2004)
Journal Article
Ormeci, A.; Rosner, H.: Electronic structure and bonding in antimony and its high pressure phases. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: International Journal for Structural, Physical, and Chemical Aspects of Crystalline Materials 219 (6), pp. 370 - 375 (2004)
Journal Article
Somer, M.; Yarasik, A.; Akselrud, L.; Leoni, S.; Rosner, H.; Schnelle, W.; Kniep, R.: Ae[Be2N2]: Nitridoberyllates of the Heavier Alkaline-Earth Metals. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 43 (9), pp. 1088 - 1092 (2004)
Journal Article
Somer, M.; Yarasik, A.; Akselrud, L.; Leoni, S.; Rosner, H.; Schnelle, W.; Kniep, R.: EA[Be2N2]: Nitridoberyllate der schwereren Erdalkalimetalle. Angewandte Chemie 116 (9), pp. 1108 - 1112 (2004)
Journal Article
Rosner, H.; Drechsler, S. L.; Fuchs, G.; Handstein, A.; Wälte, A.; Müller, K. H.: Electronic Structure and Aspects of Unconventional Superconductivity in NaxCoO2· yH2O. Brazilian Journal of Physics 33 (4), pp. 718 - 722 (2003)
Journal Article
Tsirelson, V.; Stash, A.; Kohout, M.; Rosner, H.; Mori, H.; Sato, S.; Lee, S.; Yamamoto, A.; Tajima, S.; Grin, Y.: Features of the electron density in magnesium diboride: reconstruction from X-ray diffraction data and comparison with TB-LMTO and FPLO calculations. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 59, pp. 575 - 583 (2003)
Journal Article
Kuneš, J.; Rosner, H.; Kasinathan, D.; Rodriguez, C. O.; Pickett, W. E.: Theory of orbital moment collapse under pressure in FeI2. Physical Review B 68 (11), pp. 115101-1 - 115101-8 (2003)
Journal Article
Leithe-Jasper, A.; Schnelle, W.; Rosner, H.; Senthilkumaran, N.; Rabis, A.; Baenitz, M.; Gippius, A. A.; Morozova, E.; Mydosh, J. A.; Grin, Y.: Ferromagnetic Ordering in Alkali-Metal Iron Antimonides: NaFe4Sb12 and KFe4Sb12. Physical Review Letters 91 (3), pp. 037208-1 - 037208-4 (2003)
Journal Article
Schwarz, U.; Akselrud, L.; Rosner, H.; Ormeci, A.; Grin, Y.; Hanfland, M.: Structure and stability of the modulated phase Sb-II. Physical Review B 67 (21), pp. 1 - 7 (2003)
Journal Article
Kaul, E. E.; Rosner, H.; Yushankhai, V.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Shpanchenko, R. V.; Geibel, C.: Sr2V3O9 and Ba2V3O9: Quasi-one-dimensional spin-systems with an anomalous low temperature susceptibility. Physical Review B 67 (17), pp. 174417-1 - 174417-10 (2003)
Journal Article
Rosner, H.; Pickett, W. E.: Theoretical investigation of stoichiometric lithium monoboride. Physical Review B 67 (5), pp. 054104-1 - 054104-7 (2003)
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