Publications of R. Borth

Journal Article (23)

Journal Article
Pfeiffer, M.; Semeniuk, K.; Landaeta, J. F.; Borth, R.; Geibel, C.; Nicklas, M.; Brando, M.; Khim, S.; Hassinger, E.: Pressure-Tuned Quantum Criticality in the Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh2As2. Physical Review Letters 133 (12), 126506, pp. 1 - 6 (2024)
Journal Article
Piva, M. M.; Kutelak, L. O.; Borth, R.; Liu, Y.; Petrovic, C.; Dos Reis, R. D.; Nicklas, M.: Superconducting pairing symmetry in MoTe2. Physical Review Materials 7 (11), L111801, pp. 1 - 6 (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y.-S.; Borth, R.; Hicks, C. W.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Nicklas, M.: Heat-capacity measurements under uniaxial pressure using a piezo-driven device. Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (10), 103903, pp. 1 - 7 (2020)
Journal Article
Shen, B.; Zhang, Y.; Komijani, Y.; Nicklas, M.; Borth, R.; Wang, A.; Chen, Y.; Nie, Z.; Li, R.; Lu, X. et al.; Lee, H.; Smidman, M.; Steglich, F.; Coleman, P.; Yuan, H.: Strange-metal behaviour in a pure ferromagnetic Kondo lattice. Nature 579 (7797), pp. 51 - 55 (2020)
Journal Article
Svanidze, E.; Amon, A.; Borth, R.; Prots, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Nicklas, M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Empirical way for finding new uranium-based heavy-fermion materials. Physical Review B 99 (22), 220403, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Rai, B. K.; Banda, J.; Stavinoha, M.; Borth, R.; Jang, D.-J.; Benavides, K. A.; Sokolov, D. A.; Chan, J. Y.; Nicklas, M.; Brando, M. et al.; Huang, C.-L.; Morosan, E.: CeIr3Ge7: A local moment antiferromagnetic metal with extremely low ordering temperature. Physical Review B 98 (19), 195119, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Steppke, A.; Küchler, R.; Lausberg, S.; Lengyel, E.; Steinke, L.; Borth, R.; Lühmann, T.; Krellner, C.; Nicklas, M.; Geibel, C. et al.; Steglich, F.; Brando, M.: Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point in the Heavy-Fermion Metal YbNi4(P1−xAsx)2. Science Magazine 339 (6122), pp. 933 - 936 (2013)
Journal Article
Nicklas, M.; Kirchner, S.; Borth, R.; Gumeniuk, R.; Schnelle, W.; Rosner, H.; Borrmann, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.; Steglich, F.: Charge-Doping-Driven Evolution of Magnetism and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in the Filled Skutterudite CePt4Ge12-xSbx. Physical Review Letters 109 (23), 236405, pp. 236405-1 - 236405-5 (2012)
Journal Article
Oeschler, N.; Deppe, M.; Lengyel, E.; Borth, R.; Gegenwart, P.; Sparn, G.; Geibel, C.; Steglich, F.: Magnetic phase diagram of CeCu2(Si1-xGex)2 measured with low-temperature thermal expansion. Physical Review B 71 (9), pp. 094409-1 - 094409-6 (2005)
Journal Article
Deppe, M.; Borth, R.; Geibel, C.; Hinze, P.; Oeschler, N.; Stockert, O.; Steglich, F.: Study of the magnetic order in CeCU2(Si1-xGex)2: evidence for a critical point at x=0.25. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276, pp. 40 - 41 (2004)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Faulhaber, E.; Zwicknagl, G.; Stüßer, N.; Jeevan, H. S.; Deppe, M.; Borth, R.; Küchler, R.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Geibel, C. et al.; Steglich, F.: Nature of the A Phase in CeCu2Si2. Physical Review Letters 92 (13), pp. 136401-1 - 136401-4 (2004)
Journal Article
Thompson, J. D.; Nicklas, M.; Bianchi, A.; Movshovich, R.; Llobet, A.; Bao, W.; Malinowski, A.; Hundley, M. F.; Moreno, N. O.; Pagliuso, P. G. et al.; Sarrao, J. L.; Nakatsuji, S.; Fisk, Z.; Borth, R.; Lengyel, E.; Oeschler, N.; Sparn, G.; Steglich, F.: Magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in CenMmIn3n+2m heavy-fermion crystals. Physica B-Condensed Matter 329, pp. 446 - 449 (2003)
Journal Article
Mederle, S.; Borth, R.; Geibel, C.; Grosche, F. M.; Sparn, G.; Trovarelli, O.; Steglich, F.: An unconventional metallic state in YbRh2(Si1-xGex)2 - a high pressure study. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 14 (44), pp. 10731 - 10736 (2002)
Journal Article
Sparn, G.; Borth, R.; Lengyel, E.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sarrao, J. L.; Steglich, F.; Thompson, J. D.: Unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn5 - a high pressure study. Physica B 319 (1-4), pp. 262 - 267 (2002)
Journal Article
Lengyel, E.; Borth, R.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sarrao, J.; Sparn, G.; Steglich, F.; Thompson, J. D.: Heat capacity under pressure of CeCoIn5. High Pressure Research 22 (1 Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 185 - 187 (2002)
Journal Article
Sparn, G.; Borth, R.; Lengyel, E.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sarrao, J.; Steglich, F.; Thompson, J. D.: Pressure studies of the unconventional superconductors CeTIn5 (T: Co, Ir). High Pressure Research 22 (1 Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 163 - 165 (2002)
Journal Article
Borth, R.; Lengyel, E.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sarrao, J. L.; Sparn, G.; Steglich, F.; Thompson, J. D.: Heat capacity of the heavy fermion superconductor CeIrIn5 under hydrostatic pressure. Physica B 312, pp. 136 - 137 (2002)
Journal Article
Sparn, G.; Borth, R.; Lengyel, E.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sarrao, J. L.; Steglich, F.; Thompson, J. D.: Effect of pressure on unconventional superconductivity in CeCoIn5. Physica B 312, pp. 138 - 139 (2002)
Journal Article
Mederle, S.; Borth, R.; Geibel, C.; Grosche, F. M.; Sparn, G.; Trovarelli, O.; Steglich, F.: Unconventional metallic state in YbRh2Si2 - a high-pressure study. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 226-230, pp. 254 - 255 (2001)
Journal Article
Nicklas, M.; Borth, R.; Lengyel, E.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Sarrao, J. L.; Sidorov, V. A.; Sparn, G.; Steglich, F.; Thompson, J. D.: Response of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 to pressure: roles of dimensionality and proximity to a quantum-critical point. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13, pp. L 905 - L 912 (2001)
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