Publications of Gudrun Auffermann

Journal Article (81)

Journal Article
Fu, C.; Guin, S. N.; Watzman, S. J.; Li, G.; Liu, E.; Kumar, N.; Süß, V.; Schnelle, W.; Auffermann, G.; Shekhar, C. et al.; Sun, Y.; Gooth, J.; Felser, C.: Large Nernst power factor over a broad temperature range in polycrystalline Weyl semimetal NbP. Energy & Environmental Science 11, pp. 2813 - 2820 (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G.; Sun, Y.; Rao, J.; Wu, J.; Kumar, A.; Xu, Q. N.; Fu, C.; Liu, E.; Blake, G. R.; Werner, P. et al.; Shao, B.; Liu, K.; Parkin, S.; Liu, X.; Fahlman, M.; Liou, S.-C.; Auffermann, G.; Zhang, J.; Felser, C.; Feng, X.: Carbon-Tailored Semimetal MoP as an Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalyst in Both Alkaline and Acid Media. Advanced Energy Materials 8 (24), 1801258, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Xin, J.-Z.; Fu, C.-G.; Shi, W.-J.; Li, G.-W.; Auffermann, G.; Qi, Y.-P.; Zhu, T.-J.; Zhao, X.-B.; Felser, C.: Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of Rashba semiconductor BiTeBr with intensive texture. Rare Metals 37 (4), pp. 274 - 281 (2018)
Journal Article
Lkhagvasuren, E.; Fu, C.; Fecher, G. H.; Auffermann, G.; Kreiner, G.; Schnelle, W.; Felser, C.: Improved thermoelectric properties of TiNiSn through enhancing strain field fluctuation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (42), 425502, pp. 1 - 6 (2017)
Journal Article
Berry, T.; Fu, C.; Auffermann, G.; Fecher, G. H.; Schnelle, W.; Serrano-Sanchez, F.; Yue, Y.; Liang, H.; Felser, C.: Enhancing Thermoelectric Performance of TiNiSn Half-Heusler Compounds via Modulation Doping. Chemistry of Materials 29 (16), pp. 7042 - 7048 (2017)
Journal Article
Cichorek, T.; Bochenek, L.; Schmidt, M.; Niewa, R.; Czulucki, A.; Auffermann, G.; Steglich, F.; Kniep, R.; Kirchner, S.: Reply: Two-Channel Kondo Physics due to As Vacancies in the Layered Compound ZrAs1.58Se0.39. Physical Review Letters 118 (25), 259702, pp. 1 - 2 (2017)
Journal Article
Lkhagvasuren, E.; Ouardi, S.; Fecher, G. H.; Auffermann, G.; Kreiner, G.; Schnelle, W.; Felser, C.: Optimized thermoelectric performance of the n-type half-Heusler material TiNiSn by substitution and addition of Mn. AIP Advances 7 (4), 045010, pp. 1 - 6 (2017)
Journal Article
Berry, T.; Ouardi, S.; Fecher, G. H.; Balke, B.; Kreiner, G.; Auffermann, G.; Schnelle, W.; Felser, C.: Improving thermoelectric performance of TiNiSn by mixing MnNiSb in the half-Heusler structure. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2), pp. 1543 - 1550 (2017)
Journal Article
Shajkumar, A.; Nandan, B.; Sanwaria, S.; Albrecht, V.; Libera, M.; Lee, M.-H.; Auffermann, G.; Stamm, M.; Horechyy, A.: Silica-supported Au@hollow-SiO2 particles with outstanding catalytic activity prepared via block copolymer template approach. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 491, pp. 246 - 254 (2017)
Journal Article
Cichorek, T.; Bochenek, L.; Schmidt, M.; Czulucki, A.; Auffermann, G.; Kniep, R.; Niewa, R.; Steglich, F.; Kirchner, S.: Two-Channel Kondo Physics due to As Vacancies in the Layered Compound ZrAs1.58Se0.39. Physical Review Letters 117 (10), 106601, pp. 1 - 6 (2016)
Journal Article
Schieder, M.; Lunkenbein, T.; Bojer, C.; Dulle, M.; vom Stein, J.; Auffermann, G.; Loebling, T.; Schöbel, J.; Schmalz, H.; Breu, J.: Selective Template Removal by Thermal Depolymerization to Obtain Mesostructured Molybdenum Oxycarbide. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 641 (10), pp. 1829 - 1834 (2015)
Journal Article
Lunkenbein, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Wernbacher, A.; Noack, J.; Auffermann, G.; Yasuhara, A.; Klein-Hoffmann, A.; Ueda, W.; Eichelbaum, M.; Trunschke, A. et al.; Schlögl, R.; Willinger, M. G.: Direct Imaging of Octahedral Distortion in a Complex Molybdenum Vanadium Mixed Oxide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (23), pp. 6828 - 6831 (2015)
Journal Article
Lunkenbein, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Wernbacher, A.; Noack, J.; Auffermann, G.; Yasuhara, A.; Klein-Hoffmann, A.; Ueda, W.; Eichelbaum, M.; Trunschke, A. et al.; Schlögl, R.; Willinger, M. G.: Direct Imaging of Octahedral Distortion in a Complex Molybdenum Vanadium Mixed Oxide. Angewandte Chemie 127 (23), pp. 6932 - 6935 (2015)
Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Reibold, M.; Auffermann, G.; Lichte, H.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: Preparation of anionic clathrate-II K24-xGe136 by filling of Ge(cF136). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: International Journal for Structural, Physical, and Chemical Aspects of Crystalline Materials 229 (10), pp. 677 - 686 (2014)
Journal Article
Kokal, I.; Aydemir, U.; Prots, Y.; Förster, T.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Yahyaoglu, M.; Auffermann, G.; Schnelle, W.; Schappacher, F.; Pöttgen, R. et al.; Somer, M.: Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of Li0.44Eu3[B3N6]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 210 (1), pp. 96 - 101 (2014)
Journal Article
Schuller, A.; Auffermann, G.; Zoschke, K.; Schmidt, U.; Ostermann, K.; Rödel, G.: Overexpression of ctr1Δ300, a high-affinity copper transporter with deletion of the cytosolic C-terminus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under excess copper, leads to disruption of transition metal homeostasis and transcriptional remodelling of cellular processes. Yeast 30 (5), pp. 201 - 218 (2013)
Journal Article
Berthold, R.; Kreiner, G.; Burkhardt, U.; Hoffmann, S.; Auffermann, G.; Prots, Y.; Dashjav, E.; Armasanaa, A.; Mihalkovic, M.: Crystal structure and phase stability of the Φ phase in the Al–Mg–Zn system. Intermetallics 32, pp. 259 - 273 (2013)
Journal Article
Schieder, M.; Lunkenbein, T.; Martin, T.; Milius, W.; Auffermann, G.; Breu, J.: Hierarchically porous tungsten oxide nanotubes with crystalline walls made of the metastable orthorhombic polymorph. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2), pp. 381 - 387 (2013)
Journal Article
Lunkenbein, T.; Rosenthal, D.; Otremba, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Li, Z.; Sai, H.; Bojer, C.; Auffermann, G.; Wiesner, U.; Breu, J.: Access to Ordered Porous Molybdenum Oxycarbide/Carbon Nanocomposites. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 51 (51), pp. 12892 - 12896 (2012)
Journal Article
Lunkenbein, T.; Rosenthal, D.; Otremba, T.; Girgsdies, F.; Li, Z.; Sai, H.; Bojer, C.; Auffermann, G.; Wiesner, U.; Breu, J.: Über die Zugänglichkeit zu geordneten porösen Molybdänoxycarbid/Kohlenstoff-Nanokompositen. Angewandte Chemie 124 (51), pp. 13066 - 13070 (2012)
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