Publications of Bodo Böhme

Journal Article (35)

Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Minella, C. B.; Thoss, F.; Lindemann, I.; Rosenburg, M.; Pistidda, C.; Moller, K. T.; Jensen, T. R.; Giebeler, L.; Baitinger, M. et al.; Gutfleisch, O.; Ehrenberg, H.; Eckert, J.; Grin, Y.; Schultz, L.: B1-Mobilstor: Materials for Sustainable Energy Storage Techniques - Lithium Containing Compounds for Hydrogen and Electrochemical Energy Storage. SI 16 (10), pp. 1189 - 1195 (2014)
Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Reibold, M.; Auffermann, G.; Lichte, H.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: Preparation of anionic clathrate-II K24-xGe136 by filling of Ge(cF136). Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: International Journal for Structural, Physical, and Chemical Aspects of Crystalline Materials 229 (10), pp. 677 - 686 (2014)
Journal Article
Liang, Y.; Böhme, B.; Vasylechko, L.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: In-situ investigation of the thermal decomposition of clathrate-I Ba6.2Si46. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 (2), pp. 225 - 228 (2013)
Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Liang, Y.; Thoss, F.; Giebeler, L.; Ehrenberg, H.; Baitinger, M.; Eckert, J.; Grin, Y.: Lithium in Intermetallic Clathrates. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 638 (10), p. 1639 - 1639 (2012)
Journal Article
Liang, Y.; Böhme, B.; Ormeci, A.; Borrmann, H.; Pecher, O.; Haarmann, F.; Schnelle, W.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: A Clathrate-I Phase with Li–Ge Framework. Chemistry – A European Journal 18 (32), pp. 9818 - 9822 (2012)
Journal Article
Veremchuk, I.; Wosylus, A.; Böhme, B.; Baitinger, M.; Borrmann, H.; Prots, Y.; Burkhardt, U.; Schwarz, U.; Grin, Y.: Preparation and Crystal Structure of the Clathrate-I Cs8–xGe44+y2–y. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 637 (10), pp. 1281 - 1286 (2011)
Journal Article
Simon, P.; Tang, Z.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Chiong, K.; Böhme, B.; Baitinger, M.; Lichte, H.; Grin, Y.; Guloy, A. M.: Synthesis and Electron Holography Studies of Single Crystalline Nanostructures of Clathrate-II Phases KxGe136 and NaxSi136. Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (19), pp. 7596 - 7601 (2011)
Journal Article
Liang, Y.; Böhme, B.; Reibold, M.; Schnelle, W.; Schwarz, U.; Baitinger, M.; Lichte, H.; Grin, Y.: Synthesis of the Clathrate-I Phase Ba8−xSi46 via Redox Reactions. Inorganic Chemistry 50 (10), pp. 4523 - 4528 (2011)
Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Hoffmann, S.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: Application of n-Dodecyltrimethylammonium Chloride for the Oxidation of Intermetallic Phases. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 66 (3), pp. 230 - 238 (2011)
Journal Article
Guloy, A. M.; Tang, Z.; Ramlau, R.; Böhme, B.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: Synthesis of the Clathrate-II K8.6(4)Ge136 by Oxidation of K4Ge9 in an Ionic Liquid. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, pp. 2455 - 2458 (2009)
Journal Article
Aydemir, U.; Ormeci, A.; Borrmann, H.; Böhme, B.; Zürcher, F.; Uslu, B.; Goebel, T.; Schnelle, W.; Simon, P.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W. et al.; Haarmann, F.; Baitinger, M.; Nesper, R.; von Schnering, H. G.; Grin, Y.: The Metallic Zintl Phase Ba3Si4 - Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Chemical Bonding, and Physical Properties. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 634, pp. 1651 - 1661 (2008)
Journal Article
Schwarz, U.; Wosylus, A.; Böhme, B.; Baitinger, M.; Hanfland, M.; Grin, Y.: A 3D Network of Four-Bonded Germanium: A Link between Open and Dense. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 47, pp. 6790 - 6793 (2008)
Journal Article
Schwarz, U.; Wosylus, A.; Böhme, B.; Baitinger, M.; Hanfland, M.; Grin, Y.: Ein 3D-Netzwerk des vierbindigen Germaniums als Bindeglied zwischen offenen und dichten Elementstrukturen. Angewandte Chemie 120, pp. 6895 - 6898 (2008)
Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Aydemir, U.; Ormeci, A.; Schnelle, W.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: Synthesis of the intermetallic clathrate Na2Ba6Si46 by oxidation of Na2BaSi4 with HCl. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8, pp. 410 - 415 (2007)
Journal Article
Böhme, B.; Guloy, A.; Tang, Z.; Schnelle, W.; Burkhardt, U.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.: Oxidation of M4Si4 (M = Na, K) to Clathrates by HCl or H2O. Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, pp. 5348 - 5349 (2007)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Baitinger, M.; Böhme, B.; Ormeci, A.; Grin, Y.: Solid State Chemistry of Clathrate Phases: Crystal Structure, Chemical Bonding and Preparation Routes. In: Physics and chemistry of inorganic clathrates, pp. 35 - 64. Springer (2014)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Böhme, B.: Neue Präparationswege für intermetallische Verbindungen. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Dresden (2010)
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