Publications of Andreas Leithe-Jasper

Journal Article (172)

Journal Article
Flipo, S.; Kohout, M.; Roth, F.; Weigel, T.; Schnelle, W.; Bobnar, M.; Ormeci, A.; Burkhardt, U.; Hennig, C.; Leisegang, T. et al.; Meyer, D.-C.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: CeMo2B5: A New Type of Arrangement of Puckered Boron Hexagonal Rings. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, pp. 3572 - 3580 (2019)
Journal Article
Levytskyi, V.; Feig, M.; Akselrud, L.; Schnelle, W.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Dyadkin, V.; Chernyshov, D.; Gumeniuk, R.: Crystal structure and superconducting properties of Sc5Ir6Sn18. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (44), 445603, pp. 1 - 9 (2019)
Journal Article
Gamża, M. B.; Schnelle, W.; Rosner, H.; Ackerbauer, S.-V.; Grin, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Complex magnetic phase diagram of metamagnetic MnPtSi. Physical Review B 100 (1), 014423, pp. 1 - 10 (2019)
Journal Article
Wyżga, P.; Veremchuk, I.; Himcinschi, C.; Burkhardt, U.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Bobnar, M.; Hennig, C.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Kortus, J.; Gumeniuk, R.: Indium thiospinel In1-xxIn2S4-structural characterization and thermoelectric properties. Dalton Transactions 48 (23), pp. 8350 - 8360 (2019)
Journal Article
Svanidze, E.; Amon, A.; Borth, R.; Prots, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Nicklas, M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Empirical way for finding new uranium-based heavy-fermion materials. Physical Review B 99 (22), 220403, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Bergk, B.; Klotz, J.; Förster, T.; Gumeniuk, R.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Lorenz, V.; Schnelle, W.; Nicklas, M.; Rosner, H.; Grin, Y. et al.; Wosnitza, J.: Fermi surface studies of the skutterudite superconductors LaPt4Ge12 and PrPt4Ge12. Physical Review B 99 (24), 245115, pp. 1 - 6 (2019)
Journal Article
Beare, J.; Nugent, M.; Wilson, M. N.; Cai, Y.; Munsie, T. J. S.; Amon, A.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gong, Z.; Guo, S. L.; Guguchia, Z. et al.; Grin, Y.; Uemura, Y. J.; Svanidze, E.; Luke, G. M.: μSR and magnetometry study of the type-I superconductor BeAu. Physical Review B 99 (13), 134510, pp. 1 - 9 (2019)
Journal Article
Mounssef Jr., B.; Cantarino, M. R.; Bittar, E. M.; Germano, T. M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Garcia, F. A.: Hard x-ray spectroscopy of the itinerant magnets RFe4Sb12 (R=Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba). Physical Review B 99 (3), 035152, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Feig, M.; Nicklas, M.; Bobnar, M.; Schnelle, W.; Schwarz, U.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Hennig, C.; Gumeniuk, R.: Superconductivity and magnetism in noncentrosymmetric LaPtGe3 and CePtGe3. Physical Review B 98 (18), 184516, pp. 1 - 9 (2018)
Journal Article
Amon, A.; Zelenina, I.; Simon, P.; Bobnar, M.; Naumann, M.; Svanidze, E.; Arnold, F.; Borrmann, H.; Burkhardt, U.; Schnelle, W. et al.; Hassinger, E.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Tracking aluminium impurities in single crystals of the heavy-fermion superconductor UBe13. Scientific Reports 8 (1), 10654 (2018)
Journal Article
Rosner, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Schnelle, W.; Ackerbauer, S. V.; Gamza, M. B.; Grin, Y.: Local magnetism in MnSiPt rules the chemical bond. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (30), pp. 7706 - 7710 (2018)
Journal Article
Gumeniuk, R.; Yaresko, A. N.; Schnelle, W.; Nicklas, M.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Hennig, C.; Grin, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Uniaxial ferromagnetism of local uranium moments in hexagonal UBeGe. Physical Review B 97, 174405, pp. 1 - 9 (2018)
Journal Article
Svanidze, E.; Amon, A.; Prots, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Abnormal specific heat enhancement and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the heavy-fermion system U2Cu17-xGax (5 <= x <= 8). Physical Review B 97 (11), 115148, pp. 1 - 9 (2018)
Journal Article
Rasim, K.; Ramlau, R.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Mori, T.; Burkhardt, U.; Borrmann, H.; Schnelle, W.; Carbogno, C.; Scheffler, M.; Grin, Y.: Local Atomic Arrangements and Band Structure of Boron Carbide. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 57 (21), pp. 6130 - 6135 (2018)
Journal Article
Rasim, K.; Ramlau, R.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Mori, T.; Burkhardt, U.; Borrmann, H.; Schnelle, W.; Carbogno, C.; Scheffler, M.; Grin, Y.: Local Atomic Arrangements and Band Structure of Boron Carbide. Angewandte Chemie 130 (21), pp. 6238 - 6243 (2018)
Journal Article
Amon, A.; Ormeci, A.; Bobnar, M.; Akselrud, L. G.; Avdeev, M.; Gumeniuk, R.; Burkhardt, U.; Prots, Y.; Hennig, C.; Leithe-Jasper, A. et al.; Grin, Y.: Cluster Formation in the Superconducting Complex Intermetallic Compound Be21Pt5. Accounts of Chemical Research 51 (2), pp. 214 - 222 (2018)
Journal Article
Amon, A.; Svanidze, E.; Cardoso-Gil, R.; Wilson, M. N.; Rosner, H.; Bobnar, M.; Schnelle, W.; Lynn, J. W.; Gumeniuk, R.; Hennig, C. et al.; Luke, G. M.; Borrmann, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Noncentrosymmetric superconductor BeAu. Physical Review B 97 (1), 014501, pp. 1 - 11 (2018)
Journal Article
Feig, M.; Bobnar, M.; Veremchuk, I.; Hennig, C.; Burkhardt, U.; Starke, R.; Kundys, B.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Two-gap superconductivity in Ag1-xMo6S8 Chevrel phase. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (49), 495603, pp. 1 - 9 (2017)
Journal Article
Wagner, F. R.; Zheng, Q.; Gumeniuk, R.; Bende, D.; Prots, Y.; Bobnar, M.; Hu, D.-L.; Burkhardt, U.; Grin, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Hierarchical and chemical space partitioning in new intermetallic borides MNi21B20 (M = In, Sn). Dalton Transactions 46 (39), pp. 13446 - 13455 (2017)
Journal Article
Wyzga, P.; Bobnar, M.; Hennig, C.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Mori, T.; Gumeniuk, R.: Thermoelectric Properties of Natural Chalcopyrite from Zacatecas, Mexico. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 643 (13), pp. 858 - 863 (2017)
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