Publications of F. Steglich

Journal Article (888)

Journal Article
Rietschel, H.; Renker, B.; Felten, R.; Steglich, F.; Weber, G.: Crystal-field effects and f-derived specific heats in heavy-fermion compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 76-7, pp. 105 - 111 (1988)
Journal Article
Sparn, G.; Caspary, R.; Gottwick, U.; Grauel, A.; Habel, U.; Lang, M.; Nowak, M.; Schefzyk, R.; Schiebeling, W.; Spille, H. et al.; Winkelmann, M.; Zuber, A.; Steglich, F.; Loidl, A.: Heavy fermion effects in Ce(Cu1−xNix)2Ge2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 76-7, pp. 153 - 155 (1988)
Journal Article
Spille, H.; Winkelmann, M.; Ahlheim, U.; Bredl, C. D.; Steglich, F.; Haen, P.; Mignot, J. M.; Tholence, J. L.; Tpurnier, R.: Coexistence of spin-glass freezing and heavy-fermion superconductivity in Ce1−xGdxCu2.2Se2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 76-7, pp. 539 - 541 (1988)
Journal Article
van Aken, P.; Ahlheim, U.; Bredl, C. D.; de Boer, F. R.; Enkler, D.; Sparn, G.; Spille, H.; Steglich, F.: Evidence for antiferromagnetism in Ce1−xLaxCu2.2Si2 below 10 K. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 76-7, pp. 523 - 524 (1988)
Journal Article
Lang, M.; Lechner, T.; Riegel, S.; Steglich, F.; Weber, G.; Kim, T. J.; Lüthi, B.; Wolf, B.; Rietschel, H.; Wilhelm, M.: Thermal expansion, sound velocities, specific heat and pressure derivative of Tc in YBa2Cu3O7. Zeitschrift für Physik B 69 (4), pp. 459 - 463 (1988)
Journal Article
Knopp, G.; Loidl, A.; Caspary, R.; Gottwick, U.; Bredl, C. D.; Spille, H.; Steglich, F.; Murani, A. P.: Specific heat, resistivity and neutron scattering studies in the Kondo lattice CeNi2Ge2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 74 (3), pp. 341 - 346 (1988)
Journal Article
Ahlheim, U.; Vanaken, P.; Spille, H.; Steglich, F.: Impurities in heavy fermion superconductors. Helvetica Physica Acta 61 (4), pp. 518 - 529 (1988)
Journal Article
Ahrens, R.; Wolf, T.; Wohl, H.; Rietschel, H.; Schmidt, H.; Steglich, F.: Dependence of the low temperature specific heat of YBa2Cu3O6+δ on preparation conditions. Physica C 153, pp. 1008 - 1009 (1988)
Journal Article
Caspary, R.; Bredl, C. D.; Spille, H.; Winkelmann, M.; Steglich, F.; Schmidt, H.; Wolf, T.; Flukiger, R.: Low temperature specific heat of YBa2Cu3O7−δ. Physica C 153, pp. 876 - 877 (1988)
Journal Article
Lang, M.; Kneissel, H.; Renker, B.; Rietschel, H.; Spille, H.; Steglich, F.: Structural phase transition and diamagnetism at 36K IN La2CuO4. Physica C 153, pp. 974 - 975 (1988)
Journal Article
Sparn, G.; Schiebeling, W.; Lang, M.; Held, R.; Gottwick, U.; Steglich, F.; Rietschel, H.: Heat conduction and thermal expansion of YBa2Cu3O7−δ at low temperature. Physica C 153, pp. 1010 - 1011 (1988)
Journal Article
Van Aken, P.; De Boer, F. R.; Spille, H.; Winkelmann, M.; Ahlheim, U.; Bredl, C. D.; Steglich, F.: Pair breaking effects in heavy fermion superconductors. Physica C 153, pp. 449 - 450 (1988)
Journal Article
Steglich, F.; Ahlheim, U.; Ewert, D.; Gottwick, U.; Held, R.; Kneissel, H.; Lang, M.; Rauchschwalbe, U.; Renker, B.; Rietschel, H. et al.; Sparn, G.; Spille, H.: Thermodynamic and transport properties of high-Tc superconductors. Physica Scripta 37 (6), pp. 901 - 904 (1988)
Journal Article
Rauchschwalbe, U.; Steglich, F.; Rietschel, H.: Magneto-resistance of heavy-fermion compounds. Physica B+C 148 (1-3), pp. 33 - 36 (1987)
Journal Article
Renker, B.; Gompf, F.; Gering, E.; Frings, P.; Rietschel, H.; Felten, R.; Steglich, F.; Weber, G.: Normal ground-state properties of heavy-fermion actinide compounds. Physica B+C 148 (1-3), pp. 41 - 44 (1987)
Journal Article
Steglich, F.; Ahlheim, U.; Rauchschwalbe, U.; Spille, H.: Heavy fermions and superconductivity: “Superconducting spectroscopy” of non-magnetic impurities in CeCu2Si2. Physica B+C 148 (1-3), pp. 6 - 13 (1987)
Journal Article
Gottwick, U.; Held, R.; Sparn, G.; Steglich, F.; Rietschel, H.; Ewert, D.; Renker, B.; Bauhofer, W.; von Molnar, S.; Wilhelm, M. et al.; Hienig, H. E.: Transport Properties of YBa2Cu3O7: Resistivity, Thermal Conductivity, Thermopower and Hall Effect. EPL 4 (10), pp. 1183 - 1188 (1987)
Journal Article
Lang, M.; Steglich, F.; Schefzyk, R.; Lechner, T.; Spille, H.; Rietschel, H.; Goldacker, W.; Renker, B.: Observation of a Thermal Expansion Anomaly at 36 K in La2CuO4: Evidence for a Structural Phase Transition. EPL 4 (10), pp. 1145 - 1149 (1987)
Journal Article
Rauchschwalbe, U.; Steglich, F.; Stewart, G. R.; Giorgi, A. L.; Fulde, P.; Maki, K.: Lower Critical Field of U0.97Th0.03Be13: Evidence for Two Coexisting Superconducting Order Parameters. EPL 3 (6), pp. 751 - 756 (1987)
Journal Article
Renker, B.; Apfelstedt, I.; Küpfer, H.; Politis, C.; Rietschel, H.; Schauer, W.; Wühl, H.; Gottwick, U.; Kneissel, H.; Rauchschwalbe, U. et al.; Spille, H.; Steglich, F.: Magnetic properties of the high-Tc superconductor La1.85Sr0.15CuO4. Zeitschrift für Physik B 67 (1), pp. 1 - 7 (1987)
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