Publications of Deepa Kasinathan

Journal Article (61)

Journal Article
Kubo, T.; Yasuoka, H.; Kasinathan, D.; Ranjith, K. M.; Schmidt, M.; Baenitz, M.: Static and Dynamic Electronic Properties of Weyl Semimetal NbP — A Single Crystal 93Nb-NMR Study. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93 (11), 114704, pp. 1 - 7 (2024)
Journal Article
Antonyshyn, I.; Sichevych, O.; Burkhardt, U.; Barrios Jiménez, A. M.; Melendez-Sans, A.; Liao, Y.-F.; Tsuei, K.-D.; Kasinathan, D.; Takegami, D.; Ormeci, A.: Al-Pt intermetallic compounds: HAXPES study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, pp. 31137 - 31145 (2023)
Journal Article
Kubo, T.; Yasuoka, H.; Dóra, B.; Kasinathan, D.; Prots, Y.; Rosner, H.; Fujii, T.; Schmidt, M.; Baenitz, M.: Comparative 181Ta-NQR Study of Weyl Monopnictides TaAs and TaP: Relevance of Weyl Fermion Excitations. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 (9), 094706, pp. 1 - 7 (2023)
Journal Article
Takegami, D.; Kuo, C.-Y.; Kasebayashi, K.; Kim, J.-G.; Chang, C. F.; Liu, C. E.; Wu, C. N.; Kasinathan, D.; Altendorf, S. G.; Hoefer, K. et al.; Meneghin, F.; Mariono, A.; Liao, Y. F.; Tsuei, K. D.; Chen, C. T.; Ko, K.-T.; Günther, A.; Ebbinghaus, S. G.; Seo, J. W.; Lee, D. H.; Ryu, G.; Komarek, A. C.; Sugano, S.; Shimakawa, Y.; Tanaka, A.; Mizokawa, T.; Kuneš, J.; Tjeng, L. H.; Hariki, A.: CaCu3Ru4: A High-Kondo-Temperature Transition-Metal Oxide. Physical Review X 12, 011017, pp. 1 - 12 (2022)
Journal Article
Muthuselvam, I. P.; Saranya, K.; Kasinathan, D.; Bhowmik, R. N.; Sankar, R.; Dhenadhayalan, N.; Shu, G. J.; Chen, W.-t.; Kavitha, L.; Lin, K.-C.: Magnetic spin order in the honeycomb structured Pb6Co9(TeO6)5 compound. Physical Review B 104 (17), 174442, pp. 1 - 11 (2021)
Journal Article
Takegami, D.; Kasinathan, D.; Wolff, K. K.; Altendorf, S. G.; Chang, C. F.; Hoefer, K.; Melendez-Sans, A.; Utsumi, Y.; Meneghin, F.; Ha, T. D. et al.; Yen, C. H.; Chen, K.; Kuo, C. Y.; Liao, Y. F.; Tsuei, K. D.; Morrow, R.; Wurmehl, S.; Büchner, B.; Prasad, B. E.; Jansen, M.; Komarek, A. C.; Hansmann, P.; Tjeng, L. H.: Charge-transfer energy in iridates: A hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study. Physical Review B 102 (4), 045119, pp. 1 - 9 (2020)
Journal Article
Kishimoto, Y.; Kasinathan, D.; Yasuoka, H.; Bader, K.; Gille, P.; Burkhardt, U.; Baenitz, M.: Site Selective Substitution and Charge Differentiation Around Ge Atom in FeGa3−xGex Proved by Ga-NQR with Super-cell Calculation. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 (8), 083701, pp. 1 - 5 (2020)
Journal Article
Amon, A.; Svanidze, E.; Ormeci, A.; König, M.; Kasinathan, D.; Takegami, D.; Prots, Y.; Liao, Y.-F.; Tsuei, K.-D.; Tjeng, L. H. et al.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Interplay of Atomic Interactions in the Intermetallic Semiconductor Be5Pt. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (44), pp. 15928 - 15933 (2019)
Journal Article
Rößler, S.; Koz, C.; Wang, Z.; Skourski, Y.; Doerr, M.; Kasinathan, D.; Rosner, H.; Schmidt, M.; Schwarz, U.; Rößler, U. K. et al.; Wirth, S.: Two types of magnetic shape-memory effects from twinned microstructure and magneto-structural coupling in Fe1+yTe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (34), pp. 16697 - 16702 (2019)
Journal Article
Shang, T.; Amon, A.; Kasinathan, D.; Xie, W.; Bobnar, M.; Chen, Y.; Wang, A.; Shi, M.; Medarde, M.; Yuan, H. Q. et al.; Shiroka, T.: Enhanced T-c and multiband superconductivity in the fully-gapped ReBe22 superconductor. New Journal of Physics 21, 073034, pp. 1 - 16 (2019)
Journal Article
Takegami, D.; Nicolaï, L.; Koethe, T. C.; Kasinathan, D.; Kuo, C. Y.; Liao, Y. F.; Tsuei, K. D.; Panaccione, G.; Offi, F.; Monaco, G. et al.; Brookes, N. B.; Minár, J.; Tjeng, L. H.: Valence band hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on 3d transition-metal oxides containing rare-earth elements. Physical Review B 99 (16), 165101, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Schwarz, U.; Kasinathan, D.; Bergner, C.; Hunger, J.; Meier, K.; Akselrud, L.; Hanfland, M.; Mezouar, M.; Glazyrin, K.; Stinton, G. W. et al.; Husband, R.; Rosner, H.; McMahon I, M.: Distortions in the cubic primitive high-pressure phases of calcium. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (6), 065401, pp. 1 - 8 (2019)
Journal Article
Jiao, L.; Rößler, S.; Kasinathan, D.; Rosa, P. F. S.; Guo, C.; Yuan, H.; Liu, C.-X.; Fisk, Z.; Steglich, F.; Wirth, S.: Magnetic and defect probes of the SmB6 surface state. Science Advances 4 (11), eaau4886, pp. 1 - 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Tkachov, R.; Stepien, L.; Grafe, R.; Guskova, O.; Kiriy, A.; Simon, F.; Reith, H.; Nielsch, K.; Schierning, G.; Kasinathan, D. et al.; Leyens, C.: Polyethenetetrathiolate or polytetrathiooxalate? Improved synthesis, a comparative analysis of a prominent thermoelectric polymer and implications to the charge transport mechanism. Polymer Chemistry 9 (36), pp. 4543 - 4555 (2018)
Journal Article
Verchenko, V. Y.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Kasinathan, D.; Zhurenko, S. V.; Gippius, A. A.; Shevelkov, A. V.: Antiferromagnetic ground state in the MnGa4 intermetallic compound. Physical Review Materials 2, 044408, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Utsumi, Y.; Kasinathan, D.; Swatek, P.; Bednarchuk, O.; Kaczorowski, D.; Ablett, J. M.; Rueff, J.-P.: Bulk electronic structure of non-centrosymmetric EuTGe3 (T = Co, Ni, Rh, Ir) studied by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Physical Review B 97 (11), 115155, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Sundermann, M.; Yavaş, H.; Chen, K.; Kim, D. J.; Fisk, Z.; Kasinathan, D.; Haverkort, M. W.; Thalmeier, P.; Severing, A.; Tjeng, L. H.: 4f Crystal Field Ground State of the Strongly Correlated Topological Insulator SmB6. Physical Review Letters 120, 016402, pp. 1 - 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Mydeen, K.; Kasinathan, D.; Koz, C.; Rößler, S.; Rößler, U. K.; Hanfland, M.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Schwarz, U.; Wirth, S.; Rosner, H. et al.; Nicklas, M.: Pressure-Induced Ferromagnetism due to an Anisotropic Electronic Topological Transition in Fe1.08Te. Physical Review Letters 119, 227003, pp. 1 - 7 (2017)
Journal Article
Efimenko, A. K.; Hollmann, N.; Hoefer, K.; Weinen, J.; Takegami, D.; Wolff, K. K.; Altendorf, S. G.; Hu, Z.; Rata, A. D.; Komarek, A. C. et al.; Nugroho, A. A.; Liao, Y. F.; Tsuei, K.-D.; Hsieh, H. H.; Lin, H.-J.; Chen, C. T.; Tjeng, L. H.; Kasinathan, D.: Electronic signature of the vacancy ordering in NbO (Nb3O3). Physical Review B 96 (19), 195112, pp. 1 - 7 (2017)
Journal Article
Utsumi, Y.; Kasinathan, D.; Ko, K.-T.; Agrestini, S.; Haverkort, M. W.; Wirth, S.; Wu, Y.-H.; Tsuei, K.-D.; Kim, D.-J.; Fisk, Z. et al.; Tanaka, A.; Thalmeier, P.; Tjeng, L. H.: Bulk and surface electronic properties of SmB6: A hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study. Physical Review B 96 (15), 155130, pp. 1 - 10 (2017)
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