Publications of E. Hassinger

Journal Article (32)

Journal Article
Khanenko, P.; Hafner, D.; Semeniuk, K.; Banda, J.; Lühmann, T.; Bärtl, F.; Kotte, T.; Wosnitza, J.; Zwicknagl, G.; Geibel, C. et al.; Landaeta, J. F.; Khim, S.; Hassinger, E.; Brando, M.: Origin of the non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CeRh2As2. Physical Review B (4), 045162, pp. 1 - 11 (2025)
Journal Article
Ogata, S.; Kitagawa, S.; Kinjo, K.; Ishida, K.; Brando, M.; Hassinger, E.; Geibel, C.; Khim, S.: Appearance of c-axis magnetic moment in odd-parity antiferromagnetic state in CeRh2As2 revealed by 75As-NMR. Physical Review B 110 (21), 214509, pp. 1 - 6 (2024)
Journal Article
Pfeiffer, M.; Semeniuk, K.; Landaeta, J. F.; Borth, R.; Geibel, C.; Nicklas, M.; Brando, M.; Khim, S.; Hassinger, E.: Pressure-Tuned Quantum Criticality in the Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh2As2. Physical Review Letters 133 (12), 126506, pp. 1 - 6 (2024)
Journal Article
Semeniuk, K.; Pfeiffer, M.; Landaeta, J. F.; Nicklas, M.; Geibel, C.; Brando, M.; Khim, S.; Hassinger, E.: Exposing the odd-parity superconductivity in CeRh2As2 with hydrostatic pressure. Physical Review B 110 (10), L100504, pp. 1 - 6 (2024)
Journal Article
Landaeta, J. F.; Semeniuk, K.; Aretz, J.; Shirer, K. R.; Sokolov, D. A.; Kikugawa, N.; Maeno, Y.; Bonalde, I.; Schmalian, J.; Mackenzie, A. P. et al.; Hassinger, E.: Evidence for vertical line nodes in Sr2RuO4 from nonlocal electrodynamics. Physical Review B 110 (10), L100503, pp. 1 - 7 (2024)
Journal Article
Sun, F.; Mishra, S.; Stockert, U.; Daou, R.; Kikugawa, N.; Perry, R. S.; Hassinger, E.; Hartnoll, S. A.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Sunko, V.: The Lorenz ratio as a guide to scattering contributions to transport in strongly correlated metals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (35), e2318159121, pp. 1 - 6 (2024)
Journal Article
Ogata, S.; Kitagawa, S.; Kibune, M.; Ishida, K.; Kinjo, K.; Brando, M.; Geibel, C.; Khim, S.; Hassinger, E.: Investigation of the Hyperfine Coupling Constant of Locally Noncentrosymmetric Heavy-fermion Superconductor CeRh2As2. New Physics: Sae Mulli 73 (12), pp. 1115 - 1118 (2023)
Journal Article
Landaeta, J. F.; León, A. M.; Zwickel, S.; Lühmann, T.; Brando, M.; Geibel, C.; Eljaouhari, E.-O.; Rosner, H.; Zwicknagl, G.; Hassinger, E. et al.; Khim, S.: Conventional type-II superconductivity in locally noncentrosymmetric LaRh2As2 single crystals. Physical Review B 106 (1), 014506, pp. 1 - 10 (2022)
Journal Article
Landaeta, J. F.; Khanenko, P.; Cavanagh, D. C.; Geibel, C.; Khim, S.; Mishra, S.; Sheikin, I.; Brydon, P. M. R.; Agterberg, D. F.; Brando, M. et al.; Hassinger, E.: Field-Angle Dependence Reveals Odd-Parity Superconductivity in CeRh2As2. Physical Review X 12 (3), 031001, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Onishi, S.; Stockert, U.; Khim, S.; Banda, J.; Brando, M.; Hassinger, E.: Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of the Two-Phase Superconductor CeRh2As2. Frontiers in Electronic Materials 2, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Kitagawa, S.; Kibune, M.; Kinjo, K.; Manago, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Ishida, K.; Brando, M.; Hassinger, E.; Geibel, C.; Khim, S.: Two-Dimensional XY-Type Magnetic Properties of Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh2As2. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 91 (4), 043702, pp. 1 - 5 (2022)
Journal Article
Hafner, D.; Khanenko, P.; Eljaouhari, E.-O.; Küchler, R.; Banda, J.; Bannor, N.; Lühmann, T.; Landaeta, J. F.; Mishra, S.; Sheikin, I. et al.; Hassinger, E.; Khim, S.; Geibel, C.; Zwicknagl, G.; Brando, M.: Possible Quadrupole Density Wave in the Superconducting Kondo Lattice CeRh2As2. Physical Review X 12, 011023, pp. 1 - 10 (2022)
Journal Article
Kibune, M.; Kitagawa, S.; Kinjo, K.; Ogata, S.; Manago, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Ishida, K.; Brando, M.; Hassinger, E.; Rosner, H. et al.; Geibel, C.; Khim, S.: Observation of Antiferromagnetic Order as Odd-Parity Multipoles inside the Superconducting Phase in CeRh2As2. Physical Review Letters 128 (5), 057002, pp. 1 - 6 (2022)
Journal Article
Khim, S.; Landaeta, J. F.; Banda, J.; Bannor, N.; Brando, M.; Brydon, P. M. R.; Hafner, D.; Küchler, R.; Cardoso-Gil, R.; Stockert, U. et al.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Agterberg, D. F.; Geibel, C.; Hassinger, E.: Field-induced transition within the superconducting state of CeRh2As2. Science 373 (6558), pp. 1012 - 1016 (2021)
Journal Article
Naumann, M.; Arnold, F.; Medvecká, Z.; Wu, S.-C.; Süss, V.; Schmidt, M.; Yan, B.; Huber , N.; Worch, L.; Wilde, M. A. et al.; Felser, C.; Sun, Y.; Hassinger, E.: Weyl Nodes Close to the Fermi Energy in NbAs. Physica Status Solidi B, 2100165, pp. 1 - 7 (2021)
Journal Article
Naumann, M.; Mokhtari, P.; Medvecka, Z.; Arnold, F.; Pillaca, M.; Flipo, S.; Sun, D.; Rosner, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gille, P. et al.; Baenitz, M.; Hassinger, E.: Fermi surface of the skutterudite CoSb3: Quantum oscillations and band-structure calculations. Physical Review B 103 (8), 085133, pp. 1 - 9 (2021)
Journal Article
Feig, M.; Baenitz, M.; Bobnar, M.; Lüders, K.; Naumann, M.; Schnelle, W.; Medvedev, S. A.; Ranjith, K. M.; Hassinger, E.; Weigel, T. et al.; Meyer, D. C.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Kortus, J.; Gumeniuk, R.: Anisotropic superconductivity and quantum oscillations in the layered dichalcogenide TaSnS2. Physical Review B 102, 214501, pp. 1 - 10 (2020)
Journal Article
Stockert, U.; Seiro, S.; Caroca-Canales, N.; Hassinger, E.; Geibel, C.: Valence effect on the thermopower of Eu systems. Physical Review B 101 (23), 235106, pp. 1 - 7 (2020)
Journal Article
Arnold, F.; Naumann, M.; Rosner, H.; Kikugawa, N.; Graf, D.; Balicas, L.; Terashima, T.; Uji, S.; Takatsu, H.; Khim, S. et al.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Hassinger, E.: Fermi surface of PtCoO2 from quantum oscillations and electronic structure calculations. Physical Review B 101 (19), 195101, pp. 1 - 9 (2020)
Journal Article
Naumann, M.; Arnold, F.; Bachmann, M. D.; Modic, K. A.; Moll, P. J. W.; Süß, V.; Schmidt, M.; Hassinger, E.: Orbital effect and weak localization in the longitudinal magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals NbP, NbAs, TaP, and TaAs. Physical Review Materials 4 (3), 034201, pp. 1 - 9 (2020)
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