Publications of M. Jansen

Journal Article (65)

Journal Article
Yan, B. H.; Jansen, M.; Felser, C.: A large-energy-gap oxide topological insulator based on the superconductor BaBiO3. Nature Physics 9 (11), pp. 709 - 711 (2013)
Journal Article
Paul, A. K.; Reehuis, M.; Ksenofontov, V.; Yan, B. H.; Hoser, A.; Többens, D. M.; Abdala, P. M.; Adler, P.; Jansen, M.; Felser, C.: Lattice Instability and Competing Spin Structures in the Double Perovskite Insulator Sr2FeOsO6. Physical Review Letters 111, 167205, pp. 1 - 5 (2013)
Journal Article
Paul, A. K.; Jansen, M.; Yan, B.; Felser, C.; Reehuis, M.; Abdala, P. M.: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Physical Properties of Sr2FeOsO6. Inorganic Chemistry 52 (11), pp. 6713 - 6719 (2013)
Journal Article
Schoop, L. M.; Müchler, L.; Schmitt, J.; Ksenofontov, V.; Medvedev, S.; Nuss, J.; Casper, F.; Jansen, M.; Cava, R. J.; Felser, C.: Effect of pressure on superconductivity in NaAlSi. Physical Review B 86 (17), 174522, pp. 1 - 5 (2012)
Journal Article
Scheer, M.; Vogel, U.; Becker, U.; Balazs, G.; Scheer, P.; Hönle, W.; Becker, M.; Jansen, M.: Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Complexes Containing Group 15 Elements and Their Potential Use as Molecular Precursors for the Formation of Transition Metal Pnictides. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (1), pp. 135 - 141 (2005)
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