Publications of Marcus Schmidt

Journal Article (213)

Journal Article
Schwarz, U.; Wosylus, A.; Schmidt, M.; Akselrud, L.; Ormeci, A.; Hanfland, M.; Hermann, V.; Kuntscher, C.: High-Pressure Modification of BiI3. Inorganics 7, 143, pp. 1 - 12 (2019)
Journal Article
Henschel, A.; Binnewies, M.; Schmidt, M.; Burkhardt, U.; Prots, Y.; Grin, Y.: Preparation of cobalt borides by solid-gas reactions. Dalton Transactions 48, pp. 17184 - 17191 (2019)
Journal Article
Baenitz, M.; Schmidt, M.; Suess, V.; Felser, C.; Lüders, K.: Superconductivity in Weyl Semimetal NbP: Bulk vs. Surface. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 012002, pp. 1 - 6 (2019)
Journal Article
Rößler, S.; Koz, C.; Wang, Z.; Skourski, Y.; Doerr, M.; Kasinathan, D.; Rosner, H.; Schmidt, M.; Schwarz, U.; Rößler, U. K. et al.; Wirth, S.: Two types of magnetic shape-memory effects from twinned microstructure and magneto-structural coupling in Fe1+yTe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (34), pp. 16697 - 16702 (2019)
Journal Article
Yang, H. F.; Yang, L. X.; Liu, Z. K.; Sun, Y.; Chen, C.; Peng, H.; Schmidt, M.; Prabhakaran, D.; Bernevig, B. A.; Felser, C. et al.; Yan, B. H.; Chen, Y. L.: Topological Lifshitz transitions and Fermi arc manipulation in Weyl semimetal NbAs. Nature Communications 10, 3478, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Khoshsima, S.; Altıntaş, Z.; Schmidt, M.; Bobnar, M.; Somer, M.; Balcı, Ö.: Crystalline Co–Fe–B nanoparticles: Synthesis, microstructure and magnetic properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 805, pp. 471 - 482 (2019)
Journal Article
Svanidze, E.; Amon, A.; Borth, R.; Prots, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Nicklas, M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Empirical way for finding new uranium-based heavy-fermion materials. Physical Review B 99 (22), 220403, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Sun, Y.; Nicklas, M.; Watzman, S. J.; Young, O.; Leermakers, I.; Hornung, J.; Klotz, J.; Gooth, J.; Manna, K. et al.; Süß, V.; Guin, S. N.; Förster, T.; Schmidt, M.; Muechler, L.; Yan, B.; Werner, P.; Schnelle, W.; Zeitler, U.; Wosnitza, J.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Felser, C.; Shekhar, C.: Extremely high conductivity observed in the triple point topological metal MoP. Nature Communications 10, 2475, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Schröter, N. B. M.; Pei, D.; Vergniory, M. G.; Sun, Y.; Manna, K.; de Juan, F.; Krieger, J. A.; Süß, V.; Schmidt, M.; Dudin, P. et al.; Bradlyn, B.; Kim, T. K.; Schmitt, T.; Cacho, C.; Felser, C.; Strocov, V. N.; Chen, Y.: Chiral topological semimetal with multifold band crossings and long Fermi arcs. Nature Physics 15, pp. 759 - 765 (2019)
Journal Article
Besser, M.; dos Reis, R. D.; Fan, F.-R.; Ajeesh, M. O.; Sun, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Felser, C.; Nicklas, M.: Pressure tuning of the electrical transport properties in the Weyl semimetal TaP. Physical Review Materials 3 (4), 044201, pp. 1 - 6 (2019)
Journal Article
Bannenberg, L. J.; Wilhelm, H.; Cubitt, R.; Labh, A.; Schmidt, M. P.; Lelièvre-Berna, E.; Pappas, C.; Mostovoy, M.; Leonov, A. O.: Multiple low-temperature skyrmionic states in a bulk chiral magnet. npj Quantum Materials, 11, pp. 1 - 8 (2019)
Journal Article
Klotz, J.; Götze, K.; Förster, T.; Bruin, J. A. N.; Wosnitza, J.; Weber, K.; Schmidt, M.; Schnelle, W.; Geibel, C.; Rößler, U. K. et al.; Rosner, H.: Electronic band structure and proximity to magnetic ordering in the chiral cubic compound CrGe. Physical Review B 99 (8), 085130, pp. 1 - 12 (2019)
Journal Article
Freysoldt, C.; Merz, P.; Schmidt, M.; Mohitkar, S.; Felser, C.; Neugebauer, J.; Jansen, M.: Discovery of Elusive K4O6, a Compound Stabilized by Configurational Entropy of Polarons. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, pp. 149 - 153 (2019)
Journal Article
Modic, K. A.; Bachmann, M. D.; Ramshaw, B. J.; Arnold, F.; Shirer, K. R.; Estry, A.; Betts, J. B.; Ghimire, N. J.; Bauer, E. D.; Schmidt, M. et al.; Baenitz, M.; Svanidze, E.; McDonald, R. D.; Shekhter, A.; Moll, P. J. W.: Resonant torsion magnetometry in anisotropic quantum materials. Nature Communications 9, 3975, pp. 1 - 8 (2018)
Journal Article
Qian, F.; Bannenberg, L. J.; Wilhelm, H.; Chaboussant, G.; Debeer-Schmitt, L. M.; Schmidt, M. P.; Aqeel, A.; Palstra, T. T. M.; Brück, E.; Lefering, A. J. E. et al.; Pappas, C.; Mostovoy, M.; Leonov, A. O.: New magnetic phase of the chiral skyrmion material Cu2OSeO3. Science Advances 4 (9), eaat7323, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Balci, Ö.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, M.; Hennicke, J.; Yagci, M. B.; Somer, M.: Densification, microstructure and properties of TiB2 ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Materials Characterization 145, pp. 435 - 443 (2018)
Journal Article
Henschel, A.; Binnewies, M.; Schmidt, M.; Koeppe, R.; Burkhardt, U.; Grin, Y.: Tungsten Borides: On the Reaction of Tungsten with Boron(III) Bromide. Chemistry – A European Journal 24 (40), pp. 10109 - 10115 (2018)
Journal Article
Schneider, S.; Wolf, D.; Stolt, M. J.; Jin, S.; Pohl, D.; Rellinghaus, B.; Schmidt, M.; Büchner, B.; Goennenwein, S. T. B.; Nielsch, K. et al.; Lubk, A.: Induction Mapping of the 3D-Modulated Spin Texture of Skyrmions in Thin Helimagnets. Physical Review Letters 120 (21), 217201, pp. 1 - 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Yang, H.; Schmidt, M.; Süß, V.; Chan, M.; Balakirev, F. F.; McDonald, R. D.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Moll, P. J. W.: Quantum oscillations in the type-II Dirac semi-metal candidate PtSe2. New Journal of Physics 20, 043008, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Sun, Y.; Xu, N.; Manna, K.; Yao, M.; Süss, V.; Leermakers, I.; Young, O.; Förster, T.; Schmidt, M. et al.; Borrmann, H.; Yan, B.; Zeitler, U.; Shi, M.; Felser, C.; Shekhar, C.: Extremely high magnetoresistance and conductivity in the type-II Weyl semimetals WP2 and MoP2. Nature Communications 8 (1), 1642, pp. 1 - 8 (2017)
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