Publications of Marcus Schmidt

Journal Article (213)

Journal Article
Feng, X.-J.; Böhme, B.; Bobnar, M.; Simon, P.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, M.; Schwarz, U.; Baitinger, M.; Strassner, T. et al.; Grin, Y.: An Amorphous Phase of Zinc and Silicon at Composition Zn2Si5(:H, OH). Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 643, pp. 106 - 113 (2017)
Journal Article
Wilhelm, H.; Leonov, A. O.; Rößler, U. K.; Burger, P.; Hardy, F.; Meingast, C.; Gruner, M. E.; Schnelle, W.; Schmidt, M.; Baenitz, M.: Scaling study and thermodynamic properties of the cubic helimagnet FeGe. Physical Review B 94, 144424, pp. 1 - 9 (2016)
Journal Article
Arnold, F.; Naumann, M.; Wu, S.-C.; Sun, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Borrmann, H.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Hassinger, E.: Chiral Weyl Pockets and Fermi Surface Topology of the Weyl Semimetal TaAs. Physical Review Letters 117, 146401, pp. 1 - 5 (2016)
Journal Article
Cichorek, T.; Bochenek, L.; Schmidt, M.; Czulucki, A.; Auffermann, G.; Kniep, R.; Niewa, R.; Steglich, F.; Kirchner, S.: Two-Channel Kondo Physics due to As Vacancies in the Layered Compound ZrAs1.58Se0.39. Physical Review Letters 117 (10), 106601, pp. 1 - 6 (2016)
Journal Article
Batabyal, R.; Morali, N.; Avraham, N.; Sun, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Felser, C.; Stern, A.; Yan, B.; Beidenkopf, H.: Visualizing weakly bound surface Fermi arcs and their correspondence to bulk Weyl fermions. Science Advances 2 (8), e1600709, pp. 1 - 7 (2016)
Journal Article
dos Reis, R. D.; Ajeesh, M. O.; Kumar, N.; Arnold, F.; Shekhar, C.; Naumann, M.; Schmidt, M.; Nicklas, M.; Hassinger, E.: On the search for the chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals: the negative longitudinal magnetoresistance. New Journal of Physics 18 (8), 085006, pp. 1 - 9 (2016)
Journal Article
Mikhailova, D.; Karakulina, O. M.; Batuk, D.; Hadermann, J.; Abakumov, A. M.; Herklotz, M.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Oswald, S.; Giebeler, L.; Schmidt, M. et al.; Eckert, J.; Knapp, M.; Ehrenberg, H.: Layered-to-Tunnel Structure Transformation and Oxygen Redox Chemistry in LiRhO2 upon Li Extraction and Insertion. Inorganic Chemistry 55 (14), pp. 7079 - 7089 (2016)
Journal Article
Terlan, B.; Levin, A. A.; Börrnert, F.; Zeisner, J.; Kataev, V.; Schmidt, M.; Eychmueller, A.: A Size-Dependent Analysis of the Structural, Surface, Colloidal, and Thermal Properties of Ti1-xB2 (x=0.03-0.08) Nanoparticles. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (21), pp. 3460 - 3468 (2016)
Journal Article
Arnold, F.; Shekhar, C.; Wu, S.-C.; Sun, Y.; Donizeth dos Reis, R.; Kumar, N.; Naumann, M.; Ajeesh, M. O.; Schmidt, M.; Grushin, A. G. et al.; Bardarson, J. H.; Baenitz, M.; Sokolov, D.; Borrmann, H.; Nicklas, M.; Felser, C.; Hassinger, E.; Yan, B.: Negative magnetoresistance without well-defined chirality in the Weyl semimetal TaP. Nature Communications 7, 11615, pp. 1 - 7 (2016)
Journal Article
Prots, Y.; Lange, F.; Drathen, C.; Schmidt, M.; Grin, Y.: The new barium compound Ba4Al7+x: formation and crystal structure. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 71 (5), pp. 611 - 619 (2016)
Journal Article
dos Reis, R. D.; Wu, S. C.; Sun, Y.; Ajeesh, M. O.; Shekhar, C.; Schmidt, M.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Nicklas, M.: Pressure tuning the Fermi surface topology of the Weyl semimetal NbP. Physical Review B 93 (20), 205102, pp. 1 - 7 (2016)
Journal Article
Baenitz, M.; Lüders, K.; Kniep, R.; Steglich, F.; Schmidt, M.: Type-II Superconductivity in Ternary Zirconium Pnictide Chalcogenide Single Crystals. Physics Procedia 81, pp. 65 - 68 (2016)
Journal Article
Qi, Y.; Naumov, P. G.; Ali, M. N.; Rajamathi, C. R.; Schnelle, W.; Barkalov, O.; Hanfland, M.; Wu, S.-C.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y. et al.; Süß, V.; Schmidt, M.; Schwarz, U.; Pippel, E.; Werner, P.; Hillebrand, R.; Foerster, T.; Kampert, E.; Parkin, S.; Cava, R. J.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Medvediev, S. A.: Superconductivity in Weyl semimetal candidate MoTe2. Nature Communications 7, 11038, pp. 1 - 7 (2016)
Journal Article
Klotz, J.; Wu, S.-C.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Nicklas, M.; Baenitz, M.; Uhlarz, M.; Wosnitza, J.; Felser, C. et al.; Yan, B.: Quantum oscillations and the Fermi surface topology of the Weyl semimetal NbP. Physical Review B 93, 121105, pp. 1 - 5 (2016)
Journal Article
Portnichenko, P. Y.; Romhányi, J.; Onykiienko, Y. A.; Henschel, A.; Schmidt, M.; Cameron, A. S.; Surmach, M. A.; Lim, J. A.; Park, J. T.; Schneidewind, A. et al.; Abernathy, D. L.; Rosner, H.; van den Brink, J.; Inosov, D. S.: Magnon spectrum of the helimagnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3. Nature Communications 7, 10725, pp. 1 - 8 (2016)
Journal Article
Liu, Z. K.; Yang, L. X.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, T.; Peng, H.; Yang, H. F.; Chen, C.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, Y. F.; Prabhakaran, D. et al.; Schmidt, M.; Hussain, Z.; Mo, S.-K.; Felser, C.; Yan, B.; Chen, Y. L.: Evolution of the Fermi surface of Weyl semimetals in the transition metal pnictide family. Nature Materials 15 (1), pp. 27 - 31 (2016)
Journal Article
Mikhailova, D.; Engel, J. M.; Schmidt, M.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Ehrenberg, H.: Copper(II) perrhenate Cu(C3H7OH)2(ReO4)2: Synthesis from isopropanol and CuReO4, structure and properties. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 232, pp. 264 - 269 (2015)
Journal Article
Kushwaha, P.; Sunko, V.; Moll, P. J. W.; Bawden, L.; Riley, J. M.; Nandi, N.; Rosner, H.; Schmidt, M. P.; Arnold, F.; Hassinger, E. et al.; Kim, T. K.; Hoesch, M.; Mackenzie, A. P.; King, P. D. C.: Nearly free electrons in a 5d delafossite oxide metal. Science Advances 1 (9), E1500692, pp. 1 - 6 (2015)
Journal Article
Popkov, V. I.; Almjasheva, O. V.; Schmidt, M. P.; Izotova, S. G.; Gusarov, V. V.: Features of Nanosized YFeO3 Formation under Heat Treatment of Glycine-Nitrate Combustion Products. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 60 (10), pp. 1193 - 1198 (2015)
Journal Article
Zheng, Q.; Wagner, F. R.; Ormeci, A.; Prots, Y.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, M.; Schnelle, W.; Grin, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Interpenetration of a 3D Icosahedral M@Ni12 (M=Al, Ga) Framework with Porphyrin-Reminiscent Boron Layers in MNi9B8. Chemistry – A European Journal 21 (46), pp. 16532 - 16540 (2015)
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