Publications of D. Zahn

Journal Article (71)

Journal Article
Kawska, A.; Hochrein, O.; Brickmann, J.; Kniep, R.; Zahn, D.: The Nucleation Mechanism of Fluorapatite-Collagen Composites: Ion Association and Motif Control by Collagen Proteins. Angewandte Chemie 120, pp. 5060 - 5063 (2008)
Journal Article
Kawska, A.; Hochrein, O.; Brickmann, J.; Kniep, R.; Zahn, D.: The Nucleation Mechanism of Fluorapatite-Collagen Composites: Ion Association an Motif Control by Collagen Proteins. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 47, pp. 4982 - 4985 (2008)
Journal Article
Paparcone, R.; Riemann, N.; Zerara, M.; Brickmann, J.; Zahn, D.; Simon, P.; Kniep, R.: On the generation of intrinsic electric dipole fields as the basis for the understanding of the morphogenesis of fluoroapatite-gelatine nano-composites. Chemistry Central Journal 2 (Suppl. 1), p. 39 - 39 (2008)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.: Length-dependent nucleation mechanisms rule the vaporization of n-alkanes. Chemical Physics Letters 467, pp. 80 - 83 (2008)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Haarmann, F.; Grin, Y.: Atomistic Simulation Study of Cu0.327Ni0.673 Alloys: from Solid Solution to Phase Segregation. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 634, pp. 2562 - 2566 (2008)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Hochrein, O.: On the composition and atomic arrangement of calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite: An ab-initio analysis. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181, pp. 1712 - 1716 (2008)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Hochrein, O.; Kawska, A.; Seifert, G.; Grin, Y.; Kniep, R.; Leoni, S.: Extending the scope of 'in silico experiments': Theoretical approaches for the investigation of reaction mechanisms, nucleation events and phase transitions. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 8, pp. 434 - 441 (2007)
Journal Article
Boulfelfel, S. E.; Zahn, D.; Grin, Y.; Leoni, S.: Walking the Path from B4- to B1-Type Structures in GaN. Physical Review Letters 99, 125505, pp. 125505-1 - 125505-4 (2007)
Journal Article
Huang, Y.-X.; Hochrein, O.; Zahn, D.; Prots, Y.; Borrmann, H.; Kniep, R.: Control of Channel Shapes in a Microporous Manganese(II)-Borophosphate Framework by Variation of Size and Shape of Organic Template Cations. Chemistry - A European Journal 13, pp. 1737 - 1745 (2007)
Journal Article
Kawska, A.; Brickmann, J.; Kniep, R.; Zahn, D.: Aus der Geburtsstube von Nanokristallen: Computersimulationen der Aggregation von Ionen und der Entstehung geordneter Strukturen. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden 56 (1-2), pp. 19 - 23 (2007)
Journal Article
Schepers, T.; Brickmann, J.; Hochrein, O.; Zahn, D.: Atomistic Simulation Study of Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride Ion Association to the Teleopeptide-Tails of Collagen - Initial Steps to Biomineral Formation. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 633 (3), pp. 411 - 414 (2007)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.: Atomistic Mechanisms of Phase Separation and Formation of Solid Solutions: Model Studies of NaCl, NaCl-NaF, and Na(Cl1-xBrx) Crystallization from the Melt. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, pp. 5249 - 5253 (2007)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.: On the Atomistic Mechanisms of Alkane (Methane-Pentane) Separation by Distillation: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, pp. 12518 - 12523 (2007)
Journal Article
Zahn, D.; Hochrein, O.; Kawska, A.; Brickmann, J.; Kniep, R.: Towards an atomistic understanding of apatite-collagen biomaterials: linking molecular simulation studies of complex-, crystal- and composite-formation to experimental findings. Journal of Materials Science 42, pp. 8966 - 8973 (2007)
Journal Article
Leoni, S.; Zahn, D.: Full-Featured Simulation of Reconstructive Solid-Solid Phase Transitions. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 632 (12-13), p. 2086 - 2086 (2006)
Journal Article
Boulfelfel, S. E.; Zahn, D.; Hochrein, O.; Grin, Y.; Leoni, S.: Low-dimensional sublattice melting by pressure: Superionic conduction in the phase interfaces of the fluorite-to-cotunnite transition of CaF2. Physical Review B 74 (9), 094106, pp. 094106-1 - 094106-7 (2006)
Journal Article
Boulfelfel, S. E.; Zahn, D.; Hochrein, O.; Grin, Y.; Leoni, S.: Nucleation and growth in the fluorite to PbCl2-type pressure-induced phase transition in CaF2. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 231, COMP 295 (2006)
Journal Article
Kawska, A.; Brickmann, J.; Kniep, R.; Hochrein, O.; Zahn, D.: An atomistic simulation scheme for modeling crystal formation from solution. The Journal of Chemical Physics 124 (2), 024513, pp. 024513-1 - 024513-7 (2006)
Journal Article
Leoni, S.; Zahn, D.: Nucleation, growth and domain formation in solid-solid phase transitions. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 231, COMP 294 (2006)
Journal Article
Simon, P.; Zahn, D.; Lichte, H.; Kniep, R.: Intrinsic Electric Dipole Fields and the Induction of Hierarchical Form Developments in Fluorapatite-Gelatine Nanocomposites: A General Principle for Morphogenesis of Biominerals? Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 45 (12), pp. 1911 - 1915 (2006)