Publications of Anastasios Markou

Journal Article (46)

Journal Article
Hu, J.; Ernst, B.; Tu, S.; Kuvezdic, M.; Hamzic, A.; Tafra, E.; Basletic, M.; Zhang, Y.; Markou, A.; Felser, C. et al.; Fert, A.; Zhao, W.; Ansermet, J.-P.; Yu, H.: Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects in Co2TiSn and Co2Ti0.6V0.4Sn Heusler Thin Films. Physical Review Applied 10 (4), 044037, pp. 1 - 9 (2018)
Journal Article
Kalache, A.; Selle, S.; Schnelle, W.; Fecher, G. H.; Höche, T.; Felser, C.; Markou, A.: Tunable magnetic properties in tetragonal Mn-Fe-Ga Heusler films with perpendicular anisotropy for spintronics applications. Physical Review Materials 2, 084407, pp. 1 - 9 (2018)
Journal Article
Markou, A.; Taylor, J. M.; Kalache, A.; Werner, P.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Felser, C.: Noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Sn films. Physical Review Materials 2, 051001, pp. 1 - 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Markou, A.; Mourkas, A.; Koume, A.; Panagiotopoulos, I.; Stoleriu, L.; Stancu, A.: Study of magnetization reversal in layered heterostructures by vector magnetometry. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 445, pp. 95 - 102 (2018)
Journal Article
Karel, J.; Casoli, F.; Nasi, L.; Lupo, P.; Sahoo, R.; Ernst, B.; Markou, A.; Kalache, A.; Cabassi, R.; Albertini, F. et al.; Felser, C.: Enhanced magnetization and anisotropy in Mn-Ga thin films grown on LSAT. Applied Physics Letters 111 (18), 182405, pp. 1 - 4 (2017)
Journal Article
Kalache, A.; Markou, A.; Selle, S.; Hoeche, T.; Sahoo, R.; Fecher, G. H.; Felser, C.: Heteroepitaxial growth of tetragonal Mn2.7-xFexGa1.3 (0 <= x <= 1.2) Heusler films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. APL Materials 5 (9), 096102, pp. 1 - 9 (2017)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Massabeau, S.; Hawecker, J.; Rongione, E.; Markou, A.; Krishnia, S.; Godel, F.; Collin, S.; Lebrun, R.; Tignon, J.; Mangeney, J. et al.; Boulier, T.; George, J.-M.; Felser, C.; Jaffres, H.; Dhillon, S.: Spintronic THz emitters based on transition metals and semi-metals/Pt multilayers. In: 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 17-22 Sept. 2023, pp. 1 - 2. IEEE (2023)
Conference Paper
Hamara, D.; Lange, G.; Markou, A.; Slager, R.-J.; Ciccarelli, C.: Helicity-Dependent Terahertz Emission from a Weyl Semimetal Mn3Sn. In: 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers), pp. 1 - 2. (2023)
Conference Paper
Liu, D.; Pronin, A. V.; Markou, A.; Felser, C.; Dressel, M.: Terahertz Anomalous Hall Effect in Mn2-xPtSn. In: 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 8873730, p. 1 - 1. Paris (2019)
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