Publications of Claudia Felser

Book Chapter (14)

Book Chapter
Chadov, S.; Felser, C.: Topological insulators within the family of Heusler materials. In: Heusler Alloys, pp. 465 - 477 (Ed. Felser, C.). Springer, Cham (2016)
Book Chapter
Felser, C.; Wollmann, L.; Chadov, S.; Fecher, G. H.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Basics and prospectives of magnetic Heusler compounds. In: Heusler Alloys, pp. 37 - 48 (Ed. Felser, C.). Springer, Cham (2016)
Book Chapter
Meyer, J.; Teichert, N.; Auge, A.; Wang, C.; Hütten, A.; Felser, C.: Heusler compounds Go Nano. In: Heusler Alloys, pp. 111 - 132 (Ed. Felser, C.). Springer, Cham (2016)
Book Chapter
Müchler, L.; Yan, B.; Casper, F.; Chadov, S.; Felser, C.: Topological Insulators. In: Thermoelectric Nanomaterials, Vol. 182, pp. 123 - 139 (Eds. Koumoto, K.; Mori, T.). Springer, Berlin ; Heidelberg (2013)
Book Chapter
Balke, B.; Fecher, G. H.; Felser, C.: New Heusler Compounds and Their Properties. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 2, pp. 15 - 43 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Fecher, G. H.; Chadov, S.; Felser, C.: Theory of the Half-Metallic Heusler Compounds. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 7, pp. 115 - 165 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer, Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Fecher, G. H.; Felser, C.: Hard X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of New Materials for Spintronics. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 11, pp. 243 - 269 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer, Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Gao, H.; Jung, A.; Bonn, I.; Ksenofontov, V.; Reiman, S.; Felser, C.; Panthöfer, M.; Tremel, W.: Substitution Effects in Double Perovskites: How the Crystal Structure Influences the Electronic Properties. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 4, pp. 61 - 70 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer, Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Graf, T.; Felser, C.: Heusler Compounds at a Glance. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 1, pp. 1 - 13 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer, Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Graf, T.; Felser, C.: Crystal Structure of Heusler Compounds. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 3, pp. 45 - 59 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Kübler, J.; Fecher, G. H.; Felser, C.: Half-Metallic Ferromagnets. In: Spintronics: From Materials to Devices, 5, pp. 71 - 95 (Eds. Felser, C.; Fecher, G. H.). Springer, Netherlands, Dordrecht (2013)
Book Chapter
Graf, T.; Winterlik, J.; Müchler, L.; Fecher, G. H.; Felser, C.; Parkin, S. S. P.: Magnetic Heusler Compounds. In: Handbook of Magnetic Materials, 1, pp. 1 - 75 (Ed. Buschow, K. H. J.). Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.] (2013)
Book Chapter
Felser, C.; Elmers, H.-J.; Fecher, G. H.: The Properties of Co2Cr1-xFexAl Heusler Compounds. In: Lecture Notes in Physics: Half-metallic Alloys, Vol. 676, pp. 113 - 152. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2005)

Conference Paper (7)

Conference Paper
Kang, J. H.; Petrides, I.; Roychowdhury, S.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Narang , P.; Wong, C. W.: Effects of Magnetic Ordering on A-mode Peaks using Raman Spectroscopy in Magnetic Topological Material EuCd2As2. In: CLEO: Science and Innovations: part of Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics, 5-10 May 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, FF2C.4. (2024)
Conference Paper
Houver, S.; Soranzio, D.; Biasco, S.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Abreu, E.; Savoini, M.; Johnson, S. L.: THz-induced carrier multiplication in TaAs Weyl semimetal. In: 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 17-22 Sept. 2023, pp. 1 - 2. IEEE (2023)
Conference Paper
Massabeau, S.; Hawecker, J.; Rongione, E.; Markou, A.; Krishnia, S.; Godel, F.; Collin, S.; Lebrun, R.; Tignon, J.; Mangeney, J. et al.; Boulier, T.; George, J.-M.; Felser, C.; Jaffres, H.; Dhillon, S.: Spintronic THz emitters based on transition metals and semi-metals/Pt multilayers. In: 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 17-22 Sept. 2023, pp. 1 - 2. IEEE (2023)
Conference Paper
Felser, C.; Vergniory, M.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.; Noky, J.: Magnetic materials prediction, high through put, artificial intelligence versus materials intuition. In: 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers), pp. 1 - 2. IEEE (2023)
Conference Paper
Liu, D.; Pronin, A. V.; Markou, A.; Felser, C.; Dressel, M.: Terahertz Anomalous Hall Effect in Mn2-xPtSn. In: 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 8873730, p. 1 - 1. Paris (2019)
Conference Paper
Felser, C.: Topological Materials with liquid electrons. In: The 21st International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements / SCTE 18: Programme und Abstracts, P1, p. 1 - 1. Wien (2018)
Conference Paper
Ghorbani, E.; Kiss, J.; Mirhosseini, H.; Kühne, T. D.; Felser, C.: Hybrid Functional Calculations on the Na and K Impurities in Substitutional and Interstitial Positions in Cu2ZnSnSe4. In: 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), Date 14-19 June 2015, pp. 1 - 3. IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), New Orleans, LA, June 14, 2015 - June 19, 2015. (2015)
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