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Journal Article (99)

Journal Article
Höhn, P.; Agrestini, S.; Baranov, A.; Hoffmann, S.; Kohout, M.; Nitsche, F.; Wagner, F. R.; Kniep, R.: Sr2Ni3—A Strontium Subnickelide? Chemistry - A European Journal 17 (12), pp. 3347 - 3351 (2011)
Journal Article
Davaasuren, B.; Dashjav, E.; Doert, T.; Kreiner, G.; Schnelle, W.; Wagner, F. R.; Mihalkovič, M.; Kniep, R.: Modulated Lanthanum Chains in the Crystal Structure of La3.65[Ru(C2)3]. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 636, pp. 41 - 49 (2010)
Journal Article
Bezugly, V.; Wielgus, P.; Kohout, M.; Wagner, F. R.: Electron Localizability Indicators ELI-D and ELIA for Highly Correlated Wavefunctions of Homonuclear Dimers. II. N2, O2, F2, and Ne2. Journal of Computational Chemistry 31 (12), pp. 2273 - 2285 (2010)
Journal Article
Döring, C.; Dietel, A.-M.; Butovskii, M. V.; Bezugly, V.; Wagner, F. R.; Kempe, R.: Molecular [Yb(TM)2] Intermetalloids (TM=Ru, Re). Chemistry - A European Journal 16 (35), pp. 10679 - 10683 (2010)
Journal Article
Davaasuren, B.; Borrmann, H.; Dashjav, E.; Kreiner, G.; Widom, M.; Schnelle, W.; Wagner, F. R.; Kniep, R.: Planar Fe6 Cluster Units in the Crystal Structure of RE15Fe8C25 (RE= Y, Dy, Ho, Er). Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 49 (33), pp. 5688 - 5692 (2010)
Journal Article
Davaasuren, B.; Borrmann, H.; Dashjav, E.; Kreiner, G.; Widom, M.; Schnelle, W.; Wagner, F. R.; Kniep, R.: Planar Fe6 Cluster Units in the Crystal Structure of RE15Fe8C25 (RE = Y, Dy, Ho, Er). Angewandte Chemie 122 (33), pp. 5824 - 5828 (2010)
Journal Article
Butovskii, M. V.; Döring, C.; Bezugly, V.; Wagner, F. R.; Grin, Y.; Kempe, R.: Molecules containing rare-earth atoms solely bonded by transition metals. Nature Chemistry 2 (9), pp. 741 - 744 (2010)
Journal Article
Bezugly, V.; Wielgus, P.; Kohout, M.; Wagner, F. R.: Electron Localizability Indicators ELI-D and ELIA for Highly Correlated Wavefunctions of Homonuclear Dimers. I. Li2, Be2, B2, and C2. Journal of Computational Chemistry 31 (7), pp. 1504 - 1519 (2010)
Journal Article
Börrnert, F.; Börrnert, C.; Gorantla, S.; Liu, X.; Bachmatiuk, A.; Joswig, J.-O.; Wagner, F. R.; Schäffel, F.; Warner, J. H.; Schönfelder, R. et al.; Rellinghaus, B.; Gemming, T.; Thomas, J.; Knupfer, M.; Büchner, B.; Rümmeli, M. H.: Single-wall-carbon-nanotube/single-carbon-chain molecular junctions. Physical Review B 81, 085439, pp. 085439-1 - 085439-5 (2010)
Journal Article
Davaasuren, B.; Dashjav, E.; Kerkau, A.; Kreiner, G.; Schnelle, W.; Wagner, F. R.; Kniep, R.: Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structure of a Samarium Carbochromate(III), Sm2[Cr2C3]. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 635, pp. 1741 - 1745 (2009)
Journal Article
Wagner, F. R.; Noor, A.; Kempe, R.: Ultrashort metal-metal distances and extreme bond orders. Nature Chemistry 1, pp. 529 - 533 (2009)
Journal Article
Wagner, F. R.; Kohout, M.; Grin, Y.: Direct Space Decomposition of ELI-D: Interplay of Charge Density and Pair-Volume Function for Different Bonding Situations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, pp. 9814 - 9828 (2008)
Journal Article
Bezugly, V.; Wielgus, P.; Wagner, F. R.; Kohout, M.; Grin, Y.: Electron Localizability Indicators ELI and ELIA: The Case of Highly Correlated Wavefunctions for the Argon Atom. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29, pp. 1198 - 1207 (2008)
Journal Article
Kohout, M.; Wagner, F. R.; Grin, Y.: Electron localizability indicator for correlated wavefunctions. III: singlet and triplet pairs. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 119, pp. 413 - 420 (2008)
Journal Article
Baranov, A.; Kohout, M.; Wagner, F. R.; Grin, Y.; Kniep, R.; Bronger, W.: On the Volume Chemistry of Solid Compounds: the Legacy of Wilhelm Biltz. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 634, pp. 2747 - 2753 (2008)
Journal Article
Butovskii, M. V.; Tok, O. L.; Wagner, F. R.; Kempe, R.: Bismetallocene - Lanthanoid-Übergangsmetall-Bindungen durch Alkaneliminierung. Angewandte Chemie 120, pp. 6569 - 6572 (2008)
Journal Article
Butovskii, M. V.; Tok, O. L.; Wagner, F. R.; Kempe, R.: Bismetallocenes: Lanthanoid-Transition-Metal Bonds through Alkane Elimination. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 47, pp. 6469 - 6472 (2008)
Journal Article
Dashjav, E.; Prots, Y.; Kreiner, G.; Schnelle, W.; Wagner, F. R.; Kniep, R.: Chemical bonding analysis and properties of La7Os4C9 - A new structure type containing C- and C2-units as Os-coordinating ligands. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181, pp. 3121 - 3130 (2008)
Journal Article
Noor, A.; Wagner, F. R.; Kempe, R.: Metall-Metall-Abstände am Limit: ein Komplex mit ultrakurzer Cr-Cr-Bindung. Angewandte Chemie 120, pp. 7356 - 7359 (2008)
Journal Article
Noor, A.; Wagner, F. R.; Kempe, R.: Metal-Metal Distances at the Limit: A Coordination Compound with an Ultrashort Chromium-Chromium Bond. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 47, pp. 7246 - 7249 (2008)
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