Publications of C. F. Chang

Journal Article (64)

Journal Article
Tanaka, A.; Chang, C. F.; Buchholz, M.; Trabant, C.; Schierle, E.; Schlappa, J.; Schmitz, D.; Ott, H.; Metcalf, P.; Tjeng, L. H. et al.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.: Symmetry of Orbital Order in Fe3O4 Studied by Fe L2,3 Resonant X-Ray Diffraction. Physical Review Letters 108 (22), 227203, pp. 227203-1 - 227203-5 (2012)
Journal Article
Schlappa, J.; Chang, C. F.; Hu, Z.; Schierle, E.; Ott, H.; Weschke, E.; Kaindl, G.; Hujiben, M.; Rijnders, G.; Blank, D. H. A. et al.; Tjeng, L. H.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.: Resonant soft x-ray scattering from stepped surfaces of SrTiO3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (3), 035501, pp. 035501-1 - 035501-9 (2012)
Journal Article
Wu, H.; Chang, C. F.; Schumann, O.; Hu, Z.; Cezar, J. C.; Burnus, T.; Hollmann, N.; Brookes, N. B.; Tanaka, A.; Braden, M. et al.; Tjeng, L. H.; Khomskii, D. I.: Orbital order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4: Beyond a common local Jahn-Teller picture. Physical Review B 84 (15), 155126, pp. 155126-1 - 155126-5 (2011)
Journal Article
Chang, C. F.; Schlappa, J.; Buchholz, M.; Tanaka, A.; Schierle, E.; Schmitz, D.; Ott, H.; Sutarto, R.; Willers, T.; Metcalf, P. et al.; Tjeng, L. H.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.: Intrinsic and extrinsic x-ray absorption effects in soft x-ray diffraction from the superstructure in magnetite. Physical Review B 83 (7), 073105, pp. 073105-1 - 073105-4 (2011)
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