Publications of P. Simon

Journal Article (134)

Journal Article
Simon, P.; Lichte, H.; Wahl, R.; Mertig, M.; Pompe, W.: Electron holography of non-stained bacterial surface layer proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 1663 (1-2), pp. 178 - 187 (2004)
Journal Article
Reinstorf, A.; Ruhnow, M.; Gelinsky, M.; Pompe, W.; Hempel, U.; Wenzel, K.-W.; Simon, P.: Phosphoserine - a convenient compound for modification of calcium phosphate bone cement collagen composites. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine 15 (4), pp. 451 - 455 (2004)
Journal Article
Armbrüster, M.; Simon, P.; Grin, Y.: Bildung von Nano-Zinn-Whiskern durch Korrosion von MnSn2. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 630, p. 1702 - 1702 (2004)
Journal Article
Cao, G. H.; Simon, P.; Krämer, U.; Wimbush, S. C.; Holzapfel, B.: Transmission Electron Microscopy and High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Study of YNi2B2C Thin Film on Y2O3-Buffered MgO. Chemistry of Materials 16 (5), pp. 842 - 845 (2004)
Journal Article
Cao, G. H.; Simon, P.; Skrotzki, W.: Transmission electron microscopy study of YNi2B2C thin film growth on MgO(001). Journal of Materials Research 19 (5), pp. 1413 - 1416 (2004)
Journal Article
Göbel, C.; Simon, P.; Buder, J.; Tlatlik, H.; Kniep, R.: Phase formation and morphology of calcium phosphate-gelatine-composites grown by double diffusion technique: the influence of fluoride. Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (14), pp. 2225 - 2230 (2004)
Journal Article
Simon, P.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Formánek, P.; Göbel, C.; Geiger, D.; Ramlau, R.; Tlatlik, H.; Buder, J.; Kniep, R.: On the real-structure of biomimetically grown hexagonal prismatic seeds of fluorapatite-gelatine-composites: TEM investigations along [001]. Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (14), pp. 2218 - 2224 (2004)
Journal Article
Simon, P.; Göbel, C.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Formánek, P.; Geiger, D.; Ramlau, R.; Tlatlik, H.; Buder, J.; Kniep, R.: Fluorapatit-Gelatine-Komposite: Biomimetische Morphogenese und Realstruktur. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 630, p. 1760 - 1760 (2004)
Journal Article
Simon, P.; Ramlau, R.; Busch, S.; Göbel, C.; Kniep, R.: Electron Microscopy of Biomimetic Solid Composites. Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 (S03), pp. 464 - 465 (2003)
Journal Article
Simon, P.; Lichte, H.; Drechsel, J.; Formanek, P.; Graff, A.; Wahl, R.; Mertig, M.; Adhikari, R.; Michler, G. H.: Electron Holography of Organic and Biological Materials. Advanced Materials 15 (17), pp. 1475 - 1481 (2003)
Journal Article
Kiriy, N.; Jähne, E.; Adler, H. J.; Schneider, M.; Kiriy, A.; Gorodyska, G.; Minko, S.; Jehnichen, D.; Simon, P.; Fokin, A. A. et al.; Stamm, M.: One-dimensional aggregation of regioregular polyalkylthiophenes. Nano Letters 3 (6), pp. 707 - 712 (2003)
Journal Article
Doert, T.; Fokwa, B. P. T.; Simon, P.; Lidin, S.; Söhnel, T.: LaSeTe2-Temperature Dependent Structure Investigation and Electron Holography on a Charge-Denstiy-Wave-Hosting Compound. Chemistry - A European Journal 9, pp. 5865 - 5872 (2003)
Journal Article
Guo, L.; Ji, Y. L.; Xu, H. B.; Wu, Z. Y.; Simon, P.: Synthesis and evolution of rod-like nano-scaled ZnC2O4·2H2O whiskers to ZnO nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry 13 (4), pp. 754 - 757 (2003)
Journal Article
Ji, Y.; Guo, L.; Xu, H.; Liu, J.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Wu, Z.; Simon, P.: Synthesis and phase transition under ultra-high pressure of ZnS nanoparicles modified by sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate. Physica Satus Solidi A 198 (1), pp. 210 - 214 (2003)

Book Chapter (4)

Book Chapter
Agatha, S.; Laval-Peuto, M.; Simon, P.: The tintinnid lorica. In: The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates, pp. 17 - 41 (Ed. Dolan, J. R.). Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken (2013)
Book Chapter
Kniep, R.; Simon, P.: Fluorapatite-Gelatine-Nanocomposites: Self-Organized Morphogenesis, Real Structure and Relations to Natural Hard Materials. In: Crystallization and Self-Organization Process, pp. 73 - 125 (Ed. Naka, K.). Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (2007)
Book Chapter
Bocharova, V.; Gorodyska, G.; Kiriy, A.; Stamm, M.; Simon, P.; Mönch, I.; Elefant, D.; Lou, X.; Stoffelbach, F.; Detrembleur, C. et al.; Jérôme, R.: Synthesis and Deposition of Water-Dispersed Prussian Blue Nanocrystals on Polymers and CNTs. In: Characterization of Polymer Surfaces and Thin Films, pp. 161 - 167 (Eds. Grundke, K.; Stamm, M.; Adler, J.). Springer, Berlin (2006)
Book Chapter
Kiriy, A.; Bocharova, V.; Gorodyska, G.; Simon, P.; Mönch, I.; Elefant, D.; Stamm, M.: Assembling Prussian Blue Nanoclusters along Single Polyelectrolyte Molecules. In: Metal-Containing and Metallosupramolecular Polymers and Materials, pp. 500 - 513 (Eds. Schubert, U. S.; Newkome, G. R.; Manners, I.). Oxford University Press, Washington, DC (2006)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Kytsya, A.; Bazylyak, L.; Pobigun-Halaiska, O.; Opeida, I.; Simon, P.; Zelenina, I.: Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Ni©Ag Bimetallic Nanostructures. In: IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP – 2018), pp. 1 - 4. IEEE (2018)
Conference Paper
Simon, P.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Zhongjia, T.; Chiong, K.; Baitinger, M.; Grin, Y.; Guloy, A. M.: Electron Microscopy and Holography of Nanobricks of Si and Ge Clathrates. Nanofair 2010 - 8th International Nanotechnology Symposium, Dresden, July 06, 2010 - July 07, 2010. Nanofair 2010 - 8th International Nanotechnology Symposium Session analytics I, (2010)
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