Publications of A. C. Komarek

Journal Article (85)

Journal Article
Kuo, C.-Y.; Drees, Y.; Fernández-Díaz, M. T.; Zhao, L.; Vasylechko, L.; Sheptyakov, D.; Bell, A. M. T.; Pi, T. W.; Lin, H.-J.; Wu, M.-K. et al.; Pellegrin, E.; Valvidares, S. M.; Li, Z. W.; Adler, P.; Todorova, A.; Küchler, R.; Steppke, A.; Tjeng, L. H.; Hu, Z.; Komarek, A. C.: k=0 Magnetic Structure and Absence of Ferroelectricity in SmFeO3. Physical Review Letters 113 (21), 217203, pp. 1 - 5 (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, X. H.; Rata, A. D.; Chang, C. F.; Komarek, A. C.; Tjeng, L. H.: Verwey transition in Fe3O4 thin films: Influence of oxygen stoichiometry and substrate-induced microstructure. Physical Review B 90 (12), 125142, pp. 1 - 9 (2014)
Journal Article
Drees, Y.; Lamago, D.; Piovano, A.; Komarek, A. C.: Hour-glass magnetic spectrum in a stripeless insulating transition metal oxide. Nature Communications 4, 2449, pp. 2449-1 - 2449-11 (2013)
Journal Article
Wu, H.-H.; Buchholz, M.; Trabant, C.; Chang, C. F.; Komarek, A. C.; Heigl, F.; Zimmermann, M. v.; Cwik, M.; Nakamura, F.; Braden, M. et al.; Schüßler-Langeheine, C.: Charge stripe order near the surface of 12-percent doped La2-xSrxCuO4. Nature Communications 3, 1023, pp. 1023-1 - 1023-5 (2012)
Journal Article
Komarek, A. C.; Boeni, P.; Braden, M.: Parabolic versus elliptic focusing - Optimization of the focusing design of a cold triple-axis neutron spectrometer by Monte-Carlo simulations. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 647 (1), pp. 63 - 72 (2011)
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