Workshops and conferences

Multi-day events provide a great setting to look in detail into interesting topics.

Scientific Writing

  • Start: Aug 14, 2024
  • End: Aug 15, 2024
In this course you will gain practical insights and techniques to improve your writing style and craft engaging narratives that captivate readers. The workshop will offer methodical, replicable steps, ensuring participants have a systematic approach to improve their scientific writing abilities (more detailed information below). It will be a hands-on course based on any kind of scientific text you would wish to review, for example a paper, draft, proposal, thesis, etc. [more]

Career Planning

  • Start: May 13, 2024
  • End: May 14, 2024
Explore diverse career paths within and beyond academia. Reflect on your goals, skills, and interests. Design your personalized career development plan. Gain clarity and confidence in shaping your future and learn how to navigate your career journey effectively. [more]

Successful intercultural communication

  • Start: Apr 9, 2024
  • End: Apr 10, 2024
Cross-cultural communication can be challenging some time. The workshop will provide you with targeted support to help you prepare your intercultural collaboration and your next project.The workshop will be offered in English on Tuesday, 9 April, and on Wednesday, 10 April in German. [more]

PhD retreat 2023

This year's PhD retreat will take our doctoral students to the city of Braunschweig, where they will visit the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, the National Metrology Institute). [more]
In this workshop, doctoral students can learn about reasons for stress and will be taught methods for stress management. This training will help them to avoid psychological or mental health problems which are often caused by stress. [more]
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