Scientific Writing

  • Start: Aug 14, 2024
  • End: Aug 15, 2024
In this course you will gain practical insights and techniques to improve your writing style and craft engaging narratives that captivate readers. The workshop will offer methodical, replicable steps, ensuring participants have a systematic approach to improve their scientific writing abilities (more detailed information below). It will be a hands-on course based on any kind of scientific text you would wish to review, for example a paper, draft, proposal, thesis, etc. [more]

Career Planning

  • Start: May 13, 2024
  • End: May 14, 2024
Explore diverse career paths within and beyond academia. Reflect on your goals, skills, and interests. Design your personalized career development plan. Gain clarity and confidence in shaping your future and learn how to navigate your career journey effectively. [more]

Successful intercultural communication

  • Start: Apr 9, 2024
  • End: Apr 10, 2024
Cross-cultural communication can be challenging some time. The workshop will provide you with targeted support to help you prepare your intercultural collaboration and your next project.The workshop will be offered in English on Tuesday, 9 April, and on Wednesday, 10 April in German. [more]

PhD retreat 2023

This year's PhD retreat will take our doctoral students to the city of Braunschweig, where they will visit the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, the National Metrology Institute). [more]
In this workshop, doctoral students can learn about reasons for stress and will be taught methods for stress management. This training will help them to avoid psychological or mental health problems which are often caused by stress. [more]

PhD retreat 2022

After a two-year break due to the pandemic situation, we will once again have a PhD retreat this year, which will take our students to Munich. In addition to the scientific exchange between students from all departments and research groups, one highlight of the trip will be a visit to the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II). [more]

Jobhunting the German Way for PhDs and PostDocs: from Science to Industry

Highly improve your career chances by understanding companies‘ hiring criteria, with tips and tricks from seasoned HR Manager Yvonne Brockhaus. In this workshop, you will learn all the Do's and Don'ts of applying for a job. So you will get more interview invitations, a higher salary and find your dream job. Sign up to learn how to convince your future employer, especially as Scientist or Non-German! [more]

Time and Stress Management during my PhD

An efficient stress and time management is the key to manage all the tasks and projects of your scientific, business, and private life. This course will help you to reach your individual goals by learning how to budget your time wisely and effectively. [more]
By looking at their daily work environment, it is easy for PhD students to get an idea of how a successful academic career might look and which steps will be necessary. But matters get much more complicated if students would like to pursue a career outside academia after their PhD. This workshop will help participants to prepare for their career and identify suitable jobs. [more]

Workshop: Powder diffraction methods

In this workshop, experts will provide an in-depth view into the application of X-ray diffraction. Daily lectures on scientific aspects of this powerful method for structure analysis will be complemented by introductions to standard software packages for analysis. [more]

PhD retreat 2019

This year's PhD retreat will take our students to Krotoszyce in Poland. The retreat will focus on the scientific exchange between students from all departments and research groups. [more]
This in-depth class over two full days brings you much needed insight into the mechanisms of research funding, as well as hands-on practice with real application formats from a variety of funding organizations and programs (private foundations, DFG, EU). [more]

Communicating your research across scientific disciplines

  • Date: Feb 8, 2019
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden
The aim of this one-day workshop is to learn how to design and give a talk intended for a broad scientific audience. That type of talk requires special and highly transferable skills - it is just the kind of thing that you will need to do at the beginning of many academic or non-academic job interviews, for example. [more]

Stress management

Everyday life has become complex. The pace of many jobs is increasing, processes get more compact, and modern ways of communication make it more difficult to switch off and impede a clear separation of private life and work. All this can be detrimental to your well-being.This workshop will provide strategies how to identify sources of stress, how to deal with stressful situations and how to avoid those in the first place. [more]

Developing your research brand

Developing a unique research profile plays an important role in establishing a successful research career. This workshop will offer participants assistance with the further planning of their scientific careers and the development of their research profiles, taking into account the participants’ individual trajectories. their scientific careers and the development of their research profiles, taking into account the participants’ individual trajectories. [more]

PhD Skills Seminar: Scientific Writing

PhD Skills
In this two-day workshop, the participants will learn how to to communicate their research clearly and effectively. [more]
When finishing your PhD or a few years of postdoc, it makes sense to decide if you want to stay in academia or if you look for a job in industry or the public sector. Often scientists do not know enough about their options and the way to find proper jobs. In this workshop, you will learn how to find jobs that fit your competencies. [more]

PhD retreat to Berlin

  • Start: Sep 25, 2017
  • End: Sep 26, 2017
  • Location: Berlin
This year's PhD retreat will take our students to Berlin. The trip, which is organized by the students themselves, will include visits to the research facilities BESSY II and BER II. [more]
The workshop is a joint initiative of four International Max Planck Research Schools. The research focus of the four schools has an overlap in the fields of condensed matter and quantum technology. At the same time, the involved research groups approach the fields from different angles and with different emphasis which will be reflected in the program of the workshop. [more]

International Conference on Quantum Criticality & Novel Phases 2017

The conference is devoted to quantum critical phenomena in quantum spin systems, in itinerant d-metal compounds, and in Kondo-lattice systems as well as to novel phases, like unconventional superconductivity or topological order, in the vicinity of magnetic instabilities. [more]

PhD Skills Seminar: Reading and Mnemo Techniques

PhD Skills
Students and scientists often have to read and remember enormous amounts of material. Reading can be very time-consuming and the process of comprehending and memorizing the new information can be very complex. Participants in this workshop will learn a set of techniques which will enable them to read faster without missing out on content comprehension and to memorize information more easily. [more]
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