Dr. Nicola Poccia

Research activities

Topological materials
Research groups: Felser, King, Wahl, Ruck, Davis, Vojta, Molenkamp, Meng, Shekhar, Rellinghaus, Cook, Vool, Wang, Vergniory, Nicklas, Menges, Rahn, Y. Zhang, Ge, Pohl more

Available PhD projects

Nanofabrication of MISFIT Single Crystals

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser, Dr. Sushmita Chandra, Dr. Nicola Poccia, Dr. Chandra Shekar more

Exploring 2D van-der-Waals superconductors under uniaxial pressure

Supervisors: Dr. Uri. Vool, Dr. Elena Gati, Dr. Nicola Poccia more

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