Experimental projects

In this list, we show all available PhD projects which have a strong component in experimental research. Some of the projects listed below may also have a theoretical component. You can find the complete list of all available projects - regardless of the research area - here.

Axion Electrodynamics in Topological Antiferromagnets

Supervisors: Dr. Edouard Lesne, Dr. Fabian Menges, Dr. Tobias Meng, Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser more

Non-reciprocal transport properties in 2D materials

Supervisors: Dr. Changjiang Yi, Prof. Dr. Nicola Poccia and Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser more

Thermoelectrics and Topology

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser, Dr. Erjian Cheng more

Imaging vortex matter in unconventional superconductors

Supervisors: Dr. Jianfeng Ge, Prof. Dr. Dmytro Inosov more

Nanofabrication of MISFIT Single Crystals

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser, Dr. Sushmita Chandra, Prof. Dr. Nicola Poccia, Dr. Chandra Shekar more

Nanoscopy of Topological Phases in Polaritonic Media

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Lukas Eng, Dr. Fabian Menges more

Probing giant elastic coupling in exotic magnets and superconductors

Supervisors: Dr. Hilary Noad, Prof. Dr. Elena Gati, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie, Prof. Dr. Phil King more

Advanced synthesis and characterization of arsenic-based materials

Supervisors: Dr. Eteri Svanidze, Prof. Dr. Michael Ruck, Prof. Juri Grin more

Angle-resolved photoemission from tailored mesostructures

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Phil King, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more

Novel multi-phase superconductor

Supervisors: Dr. Seunghyun Khim, Dr. Manuel Brando, Prof. Dr. Jochen Wosnitza more

Resonant scattering studies of spin-orbit entangled electrons

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jochen Geck, Prof. Dr. Liu Hao Tjeng more

Simultaneous thermodynamics and spectroscopy

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Phil King, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more

Structure of spin liquids under uniaxial pressure

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Elena Gati, Prof. Dr. Jochen Geck more

Unconventional states explored by thermal transport

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Elena Hassinger, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more

Catalysis on topological surface and asymmetric catalysis in chiral materials

Supervisors: Dr. Xia Wang, Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser, Prof. Dr. Xinliang Feng more

Imaging emergent phases of matter

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Peter Wahl, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more

Search for high temperature superconductivity using uniaxial pressure

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie, Prof. Dr. Peter Wahl, Dr. Clifford Hicks more

Ultra-high conductivity oxide metals

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie, Prof. Dr. Phil King, Dr. Andreas Rost more

Gate tuning of 2D Quantum Materials

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Phil King, Dr. Haijing Zhang more

Non-oxy delafossites: unconventional spin orbit entangled magnetism and electron transport

Supervisors: Dr. Michael Baenitz, Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Jochen Wosnitza more

Synthesis, transport and thermodynamics of strongly correlated micro-crystals

Supervisors: Dr. Alexandra Gibbs, Dr. Andreas Rost, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more

Thermodynamics of designer quantum materials

Supervisors: Dr. Andreas Rost, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more

Searching materials for three-dimensional quantum Hall effect

Supervisors: Dr. Chandra Shekhar, Prof. Dr. Jochen Wosnitza, Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser more

Pressure-tuning of topological materials

Supervisors: Dr. Michael Nicklas, Dr. Michael Baenitz, Prof. Dr. Jochen Wosnitza more

Scanned Josephson Spectroscopy

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie, Prof. Dr. James C. Davis more

Mesoscopic correlated electron and topological physics

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie, Prof. Dr. Phil King. Dr. Andreas Rost, Dr. Haijing Zhang more

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