Theoretical investigation of topologically non-trivial superconductors and magnets
In the realm of solid-state chemistry and condensed matter physics, the peculiar behavior of beryllium in compounds and alloys has been attributed to its special bonding characteristics. Interestingly, the superconductivity that emerges from the delicate electronic structure of beryllium-based systems is highly non-trivial, requiring a simultaneous in-depth analysis form both experimental and theoretical sides [1]–[3]. In particular we have already established that beryllium-based noncentrosymmetric superconductors exhibit multiband superconductivity (BeAu [3], [4]) and ongoing investigations show that they are easily tuned by minute changes in the lattice (Th4Be33Pt16 [5] and UBe13 [1]). In this experimental context, the project will examine fundamental theoretical aspects of beryllium-based materials, with an emphasis on their intriguing topological electronic and superconducting properties.