Successful selection workshop
Over the last two days, 14 students visited Dresden to participate in our selection workshop. Several more students either already have visited on an earlier date or will still isit our institute over the next few weeks. The two-day workshop, however, brought together the majority of our prospective students and thus was a great opportunity to meet them.
On the first day, all prospective students gave presentations about their research experience, in most cases their Masters project. As our prospective students come from a variety of research fields, it was a very interesting day for everybody. Over the course of both days, the prospective students also had the opportunity to meet with a large number of supervisors participating in our IMPRS and discuss their potential projects in full detail. In addition, the visiting students found the time to join our PhD students for their weekly cake meeting and thus could hear directly about the life as a PhD student at our insititute. Later in the evening, a few of our students took the visitors out for dinner (great Cuban food!) and showed them some of the highlights of Dresden.
Overall, the workshop was a full success: we met several excellent students, had exciting scientific discussions with them and hopefully everybody had a great time despite having a very busy schedule.