The Curiositas seminar series

In the Curiositas series, our students organize seminar talks. As the name already implies, the talks are driven by our students' curiosity. Thus, the topics go well beyond their own research themes. 

Room: SR 1+2 Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden

Mindfulness: focusing on the present moment

Discover how mindfulness enhances mental health, well-being and performance. Learn evidence-based techniques and experience Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction practices for your everyday life. [more]

Gender, identity and culture in physics

This talk will explore a diverse set of trajectories into higher education physics, with a focus on how gender and social class are made relevant in students’ stories. [more]

How to publish in the Nature journals

Dr. Lückgen, a senior editor at Nature Communications, will give a lecture on publishing in the prestigious Nature journals. [more]
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