Time and Stress Management during my PhD


  • Start: Sep 28, 2020
  • End: Sep 29, 2020
  • Speaker: Sandro Freudenberg
  • Location: MPI-CPfS, Dresden
Time and Stress Management during my PhD
An efficient stress and time management is the key to manage all the tasks and projects of your scientific, business, and private life. This course will help you to reach your individual goals by learning how to budget your time wisely and effectively.

In order to keep work, science, and private life in balance you will learn to identify individual stress factors and to use effective methods to reduce stress. Additionally, you will learn how you can get more done in less time by eliminating time wasting habits and by replacing them with stress and time management skills.


  • Basics of time and self-management
  • Setting of goals and priorities
  • Basics of stress management, stress avoidance
  • Effective planning of projects, days, weeks and months.

Information about registration will be sent by email to all PhD students.

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