Publications of Erjian Cheng

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Cheng, E.; Yan, L.; Shi, X.; Lou, R.; Fedorov, A.; Behnami, M.; Yuan, J.; Yang, P.; Wang, B.; Cheng, J.-G. et al.: Tunable positions of Weyl nodes via magnetism and pressure in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal CeAlSi. Nature Communications 15 (1), 1467, pp. 1 - 10 (2024)
Journal Article
Wan, Y. M.; Cheng, E.-J.; Ma, H.-Y.; Yang, X. F.; Hou, X. F.; Cheng, X. J.; Zhang, X.; Xi, C. Y.; Zhong, Z. C.; Liu, J. P. et al.: Magnetic field induced Weyl state in the van der Waals-type antiferromagnet GdTe3. Physical Review B 108 (20), 205132, pp. 1 - 8 (2023)