Publications of Kati Finzel
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
63 (43), pp. 20217 - 20225 (2024)
Zintl Phase versus Covalent Metal: Chemical Bonding in Silicon Dumbbells of Ca5Si3 and CaSi3. Inorganic Chemistry
Journal Article
649 (16), e202300118, pp. 1 - 12 (2023)
Superstructures and Chemical Bonding in Rare Earth Metal Polytellurides RETe2-δ (RE=La−Nd; Sm−Tm; 0≤δ≤0.2). Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
Journal Article
Bismuth-Rich Intermetallic Rods with a Note of Zintl-Phase. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, e202300124, pp. 1 - 7 (2023)
Journal Article
35 (8), 2207945, pp. 1 - 8 (2023)
Unconventional Spin State Driven Spontaneous Magnetization in a Praseodymium Iron Antimonide. Advanced Materials
Journal Article
114 (7-8), pp. 1250 - 1259 (2016)
Atomic interactions in the intermetallic catalyst GaPd. Molecular Physics
Journal Article
114 (22), pp. 1546 - 1558 (2014)
ELF and Its Relatives-A Detailed Study About the Robustness of the Atomic Shell Structure in Real Space. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Journal Article
114 (9), pp. 568 - 576 (2014)
How Does the Ambiguity of the Electronic Stress Tensor Influence Its Ability to Serve as Bonding Indicator. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Journal Article
132 (11), 1392, pp. 1392-1 - 1392-13 (2013)
How does the ambiguity of the electronic stress tensor influence its ability to reveal the atomic shell structure. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
Journal Article
131 (2), 1106, pp. 1 - 8 (2012)
Chemical bonding descriptors based on electron density inhomogeneity measure: a comparison with ELI-D. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
Journal Article
128 (1), pp. 39 - 46 (2011)
Atomic shell structure based on inhomogeneity measures of the electron density. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Über die Entwicklung der Realraumindikatoren Cp mit besonderem Hinblick auf C0.6 - sowie dessen Vergleich mit dem Lokalisierbarkeitsindikator hinsichtlich chemischer Signaturen bei Atomen, Molekülen und Festkörpern. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Dresden (2011)
Thesis - Habilitation (1)
Thesis - Habilitation
The bifunctional formalism - functional design with specified functional derivatives. Habilitation, 1 Band (verschiedene Seitenzählungen) p., Technische Universität Dresden ; Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden (2023)