Publications of M. Loewenhaupt

Journal Article (25)

Journal Article
Doerr, M.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Wagh, A. A.; Kumar, P. S. A.; Elizabeth, S.; Roessler, S.; Rotter, M.; Wirth, S.: Interplay of Structural Distortions, Dielectric Effects and Magnetic Order in Multiferroic GdMnO3. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 62 (10), pp. 1449 - 1452 (2013)
Journal Article
Loewenhaupt, M.; Faulhaber, E.; Schneidewind, A.; Deppe, M.; Hradil, K.: Crystal field excitations in CeCu2Ge2: Revisited employing a single crystal and inelastic neutron scattering. Journal of Applied Physics 111 (7), 07E124, pp. 07E124-1 - 07E124-3 (2012)
Journal Article
Anissimova, S.; Kreyssig, A.; Stockert, O.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Reznik, D.: Temperature dependence of low-energy phonons in magnetic nonsuperconducting TbNi2B2C. Physical Review B 84 (10), 104509, pp. 104509-1 - 104509-4 (2011)
Journal Article
Arndt, J.; Stockert, O.; Schmalzl, K.; Faulhaber, E.; Jeevan, H. S.; Geibel, C.; Schmidt, W.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Steglich, F.: Spin Fluctuations in Normal State CeCu2Si2 on Approaching the Quantum Critical Point. Physical Review Letters 106 (24), 246401, pp. 246401-1 - 246401-4 (2011)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Arndt, J.; Faulhaber, E.; Geibel, C.; Jeevan, H. S.; Kirchner, S.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Schmalzl, K.; Schmidt, W.; Si, Q. et al.: Magnetically driven superconductivity in CeCu2Si2. Nature Physics 7 (2), pp. 119 - 124 (2011)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Löhneysen, H. v.; Schmidt, W.; Enderle, M.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Quantum Criticality and Scaling of the Magnetic Response in CeCu6-xAux. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 161 (1-2), pp. 55 - 66 (2010)
Journal Article
Doerr, M.; Haase, A.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Rotter, M.; Bartkowiak, M.; Daou, R.; Kampert, E.; Perenboom, J. A. A. J.; Tsutaoka, T.: Competition of two-ion and single-ion anisotropy in rare-earth systems: Large anisotropy example of Tb5Ge3. Physical Review B 82 (2), 024422, pp. 024422-1 - 024422-7 (2010)
Journal Article
Arndt, J.; Stockert, O.; Faulhaber, E.; Fouquet, P.; Jeevan, H. S.; Geibel, C.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Steglich, F.: Characteristics of the magnetic order in CeCu2Si2 revealed by neutron spin-echo measurements. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200, 012009, pp. 1 - 4 (2010)
Journal Article
Lorenz, W. E. A.; Kuzian, R. O.; Drechsler, S.-L.; Stein, W.-D.; Wizent, N.; Behr, G.; Málek, J.; Nitzsche, U.; Rosner, H.; Hiess, A. et al.: Highly dispersive spin excitations in the chain cuprate Li2CuO2. A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics 88, 37002, pp. 37002-p1 - 37002-p6 (2009)
Journal Article
Steglich, F.; Geibel, C.; Grosche, F. M.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Stockert, O.; Wirth, S.; Yuan, H. Q.: Experimental evidence for unconventional BCS states in heavy-fermion metals. Physica B 403, pp. 968 - 972 (2008)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Arndt, J.; Schneidewind, A.; Schneider, H.; Jeevan, H. S.; Geibel, C.; Steglich, F.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Magnetism and superconductivity in the heavy-fermion compound CeCu2Si2 studied by neutron scattering. Physica B 403, pp. 973 - 976 (2008)
Journal Article
Arndt, J.; Caroca-Canales, N.; Dörr, M.; Geibel, C.; Stockert, O.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Metamagnetic-like transition in the cubic heavy fermion compound CeIn3-xSnx. Physica C-Superconductivity and its Applications 460-462, pp. 684 - 685 (2007)
Journal Article
Witte, U.; Stockert, O.; Schedler, R.; Regnault, L. P.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Crystalline electric field excitations in CeCu6 studied by single crystal measurements with polarized neutrons. Physica B 397, pp. 20 - 22 (2007)
Journal Article
Faulhaber, E.; Stockert, O.; Schmalzl, K.; Jeevan, H. S.; Deppe, M.; Geibel, C.; Steglich, F.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Spatial separation of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeCu2Si2. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, pp. 295 - 297 (2007)
Journal Article
Faulhaber, E.; Stockert, O.; Grenier, B.; Ouladdiaf, B.; Deppe, M.; Geibel, C.; Steglich, F.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Magnetic phases in CeCu2(Si1-xGex)2 near the tetracritical point. Physica B 378-380, pp. 78 - 79 (2006)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Faulhaber, E.; Schmalzl, K.; Schmidt, W.; Jeevan, H. S.; Deppe, M.; Geibel, C.; Cichorek, T.; Nakanishi, T.; Loewenhaupt, M. et al.: Peculiarities of the antiferromagnetism in CeCu2Si2. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 51, pp. 211 - 218 (2006)
Journal Article
Faulhaber, E.; Stockert, O.; Jeevan, H. S.; Prokes, K.; Deppe, M.; Geibel, C.; Steglich, F.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Magnetic field dependence of the magnetic order in A-type CeCu2Si2. Physica B-Condensed Matter 359-361, pp. 357 - 359 (2005)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Deppe, M.; Faulhaber, E.; Jeevan, H. S.; Schneider, R.; Stüßer, N.; Geibel, C.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Steglich, F.: Antiferromagnetism in CeCu2(Si1-xGex)2: nature of the A phase. Physica B 359-361, pp. 349 - 356 (2005)
Journal Article
Kreyssig, A.; Stockert, O.; Reznik, D.; Woodward, F. M.; Lynn, J. W.; Bitterlich, H.; Souptel, D.; Behr, G.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Magnetic excitations of RNi2B2C single crystals with R = Tb and Ho. Physica C 408-410, pp. 100 - 101 (2004)
Journal Article
Kreyssig, A.; Stockert, O.; Reznik, D.; Woodward, F. M.; Lynn, J. W.; Reichardt, W.; Souptel, D.; Behr, G.; Loewenhaupt, M.: Low-energy phonons in TbNi2B2C and HoNi2B2C. Physica B-Condensed Matter 350 (1-3), pp. 69 - 71 (2004)