Publications of Frank Steglich

Journal Article (888)

Journal Article
Steglich, F.: Fermionic Critical Fluctuations: Potential Driver of Strange Metallicity and Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz Law in YbRh2Si2. Chinese physics letters 41 (12), 127401, pp. 1 - 4 (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Ju, S.; Hu, Y.; Huang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H.; Zheng, H.; Yang, G.; Eljaouhari, E.-O. et al.; Song, B.; Plumb, N. C.; Steglich, F.; Shi, M.; Zwicknagl, G.; Cao, C.; Yuan, H.; Liu, Y.: Fermi Surface Nesting with Heavy Quasiparticles in the Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh2As2. Chinese physics letters 41 (9), 097403 , pp. 1 - 15 (2024)
Journal Article
Steglich, F.: Unconventional Superconductivity in the Kondo-lattice System CeCu2Si2. New Physics: Sae Mulli 78 (12), pp. 1067 - 1085 (2023)
Journal Article
Stockert, O.; Steglich, F.: Spin resonances in heavy-fermion superconductors. Physica C-Superconductivity and its Applications 615 (13), 1354375, pp. 1 - 9 (2023)
Journal Article
Luo, S.; Du, F.; Su, D.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Xu, J.; Chen, Y.; Cao, C.; Smidman, M.; Steglich, F. et al.; Yuan, H.: Direction-dependent switching of carrier type enabled by Fermi surface geometry. Physical Review B 108 (19), 195146, pp. 1 - 7 (2023)
Journal Article
Smidman, M.; Stockert, O.; Nica, E. M.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, H.; Si, Q.; Steglich, F.: Colloquium: Unconventional fully gapped superconductivity in the heavy-fermion metal CeCu2Si2. Reviews of Modern Physics 95 (3), 031002, pp. 1 - 29 (2023)
Journal Article
Li, P.; Ye, H.; Hu, Y.; Fang, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Wu, Z.; Shan, Z.; Singh, R. P.; Balakrishnan, G.; Shen, D. et al.; Yang, Y.-f.; Cao, C.; Plumb, N. C.; Smidman, M.; Shi, M.; Kroha, J.; Yuan, H.; Steglich, F.; Liu, Y.: Photoemission signature of the competition between magnetic order and Kondo effect in CeCoGe3. Physical Review B 107 (20), L201104, pp. 1 - 6 (2023)
Journal Article
Shan, Z. Y.; Smidman, M.; Stockert, O.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, H. Q.; Sun, P. J.; Wirth, S.; Schuberth, E.; Steglich, F.: CeCu2Si2 and YbRh2Si2: Strange Cases of Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity. JPS conference proceedings 38, 011020, pp. 1 - 14 (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y. J.; Nie, Z. Y.; Li, R.; Li, Y. C.; Yang, D. L.; Shen, B.; Chen, Y.; Du, F.; Luo, S. S.; Su, H. et al.; Shi, R.; Wang, S. Y.; Nicklas, M.; Steglich, F.; Smidman, M.; Yuan, H. Q.: Suppression of ferromagnetism and influence of disorder in silicon-substituted CeRh6Ge4. Physical Review B 106 (5), 054409, pp. 1 - 7 (2022)
Journal Article
Du, F.; Yang, L.; Nie, Z.; Wu, N.; Li, Y.; Luo, S.; Chen, Y.; Su, D.; Smidman, M.; Shi, Y. et al.; Cao, C.; Steglich, F.; Song, Y.; Yuan, H.: Consecutive topological phase transitions and colossal magnetoresistance in a magnetic topological semimetal. npj Quantum Materials 7 (1), 65, pp. 1 - 7 (2022)
Journal Article
Schuberth, E.; Wirth, S.; Steglich, F.: Nuclear-Order-Induced Quantum Criticality and Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity at Ultra-low Temperatures in YbRh2Si2. Frontiers in Electronic Materials 2, 869495, pp. 1 - 14 (2022)
Journal Article
Shu, J. W.; Adroja, D. T.; Hillier, A. D.; Zhang, Y. J.; Chen, Y. X.; Shen, B.; Orlandi, F.; Walker, H. C.; Liu, Y.; Cao, C. et al.; Steglich, F.; Yuan, H. Q.; Smidman, M.: Magnetic order and crystalline electric field excitations of the quantum critical heavy-fermion ferromagnet CeRh6Ge4. Physical Review B, L140411, pp. 1 - 6 (2021)
Journal Article
Wu, Z.; Fang, Y.; Su, H.; Xie, W.; Li, P.; Wu, Y.; Huang, Y.; Shen, D.; Thiagarajan, B.; Adell, J. et al.; Cao, C.; Yuan, H.; Steglich, F.; Liu, Y.: Revealing the Heavy Quasiparticles in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCu2Si2. Physical Review Letters 127, 067002, pp. 1 - 6 (2021)
Journal Article
Wu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Du, F.; Shen, B.; Zheng, H.; Fang, Y.; Smidman, M.; Cao, C.; Steglich, F.; Yuan, H. et al.; Denlinger, J. D.; Liu, Y.: Anisotropic c-f Hybridization in the Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Metal CeRh6Ge4. Physical Review Letters 126 (21), 216406, pp. 1 - 6 (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, A.; Du, F.; Zhang, Y.; Graf, D.; Shen, B.; Chen, Y.; Liu, Y.; Smidman, M.; Cao, C.; Steglich, F. et al.; Yuan, H.: Localized 4f-electrons in the quantum critical heavy fermion ferromagnet CeRh6Ge4. Science Bulletin 66 (14), pp. 1389 - 1394 (2021)
Journal Article
Amorese, A.; Marino, A.; Sundermann, M.; Chen, K.; Hu, Z.; Willers, T.; Choukani, F.; Ohresser, P.; Herrero-Martin, J.; Agrestini, S. et al.; Chen, C.-T.; Lin, H.-J.; Haverkort, M. W.; Seiro, S.; Geibel, C.; Steglich, F.; Tjeng, L. H.; Zwicknagl, G.; Severing, A.: Possible multiorbital ground state in CeCu2Si2. Physical Review B 102, 245146, pp. 1 - 8 (2020)
Journal Article
Candolfi, C.; Koza, M.M.; Aydemir, U.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Grin, Y.; Steglich, F.; Baitinger, M.: Vibrational dynamics of the type-I clathrates A8Sn442 (A = Cs, Rb, K) from lattice-dynamics calculations, inelastic neutron scattering, and specific heat measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 127, 145104, pp. 1 - 15 (2020)
Journal Article
Shen, B.; Zhang, Y.; Komijani, Y.; Nicklas, M.; Borth, R.; Wang, A.; Chen, Y.; Nie, Z.; Li, R.; Lu, X. et al.; Lee, H.; Smidman, M.; Steglich, F.; Coleman, P.; Yuan, H.: Strange-metal behaviour in a pure ferromagnetic Kondo lattice. Nature 579 (7797), pp. 51 - 55 (2020)
Journal Article
Xiang, J.; Hu, S.; Lyu, M.; Zhu, W.; Ma, C. Y.; Chen, Z.; Steglich, F.; Chen, G.; Sun, P.: Large transverse thermoelectric figure of merit in a topological Dirac semimetal. Science China - Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 63 (3), 237011, pp. 1 - 7 (2020)
Journal Article
Li, P.; Wu, Z.; Wu, F.; Guo, C.; Liu, Y.; Liu, H.; Sun, Z.; Shi, M.; Rodolakis, F.; McChesney, J. L. et al.; Cao, C.; Yuan, H.; Steglich, F.; Liu, Y.: Large Fermi surface expansion through anisotropic mixing of conduction and f electrons in the semimetallic Kondo lattice CeBi. Physical Review B 100 (15), 155110, pp. 1 - 8 (2019)
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