Publications of Chandra Shekhar

Journal Article (133)

Journal Article
Nayak, A. K.; Reiner, J.; Queiroz, R.; Fu, H.; Shekhar, C.; Yan, B.; Felser, C.; Avraham, N.; Beidenkopf, H.: Resolving the topological classification of bismuth with topological defects. Science Advances, eaax6996, pp. 1 - 8 (2019)
Journal Article
Gooth, J.; Bradlyn, B.; Honnali, S.; Schindler, C.; Kumar, N.; Noky, J.; Qi, Y.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Wang, Z. et al.; Bernevig, B. A.; Felser, C.: Axionic charge-density wave in the Weyl semimetal (TaSe4)2I. Nature 575 (7782), pp. 315 - 319 (2019)
Journal Article
Gooth, J.; Bradlyn, B.; Honnali, S.; Schindler, C.; Kumar, N.; Noky, J.; Qi, Y.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Wang, Z. et al.; Bernevig, B. A.; Felser, C.: Author Correction: Axionic charge-density wave in the Weyl semimetal (TaSe4)2I (Nature, (2019), 575, 7782, (315-319), 10.1038/s41586-019-1630-4). Nature (2019)
Journal Article
Hütt, F.; Kamenskyi, D.; Neubauer, D.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Dressel, M.; Pronin, A.V.: Terahertz transmission through TaAs single crystals in simultaneously applied magnetic and electric fields: Possible optical signatures of the chiral anomaly in a Weyl semimetal. Results in Physics, 102630, pp. 1 - 2 (2019)
Journal Article
Niemann, A. C.; Gooth, J.; Sun, Y.; Thiel, F.; Thomas, A.; Shekhar, C.; Süß, V.; Felser, C.; Nielsch, K.: Magneto-thermoelectric characterization of a HfTe5 micro-ribbon. Applied Physics Letters 115 (7), 072109, pp. 1 - 5 (2019)
Journal Article
Wuttke, C.; Caglieris, F.; Sykora, S.; Scaravaggi, F.; Wolter, A. U. B.; Manna, K.; Süss, V.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Büchner, B. et al.; Hess, C.: Berry curvature unravelled by the anomalous Nernst effect in Mn3Ge. Physical Review B 100 (8), 085111, pp. 1 - 10 (2019)
Journal Article
Vir, P.; Kumar, N.; Borrmann, H.; Jamijansuren, B.; Kreiner, G.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.: Tetragonal Superstructure of the Antiskyrmion Hosting Heusler Compound Mn1.4PtSn. Chemistry of Materials 31 (15), pp. 5876 - 5880 (2019)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Sun, Y.; Nicklas, M.; Watzman, S. J.; Young, O.; Leermakers, I.; Hornung, J.; Klotz, J.; Gooth, J.; Manna, K. et al.; Süß, V.; Guin, S. N.; Förster, T.; Schmidt, M.; Muechler, L.; Yan, B.; Werner, P.; Schnelle, W.; Zeitler, U.; Wosnitza, J.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Felser, C.; Shekhar, C.: Extremely high conductivity observed in the triple point topological metal MoP. Nature Communications 10, 2475, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Xu, X.; Jiang, J.; Shi, W. J.; Süß, V.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, S. C.; Chen, Y. J.; Mo, S.-K.; Felser, C.; Yan, B. H. et al.; Yang, H. F.; Liu, Z. K.; Sun, Y.; Yang, L. X.; Chen, Y. L.: Strong spin-orbit coupling and Dirac nodal lines in the three-dimensional electronic structure of metallic rutile IrO2. Physical Review B 99 (19), 195106, pp. 1 - 6 (2019)
Journal Article
Guin, S. N.; Vir, P.; Zhang, Y.; Kumar, N.; Watzman, S.J.; Fu, C.; Liu, E.; Manna, K.; Schnelle, W.; Gooth, J. et al.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.: Zero-Field Nernst Effect in a Ferromagnetic Kagome-Lattice Weyl-Semimetal Co3Sn2S2. Advanced Materials, 1806622, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Guin, S. N.; Manna, K.; Noky, J.; Watzman, S. J.; Fu, C.; Kumar, N.; Schnelle, W.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Gooth, J. et al.; Felser, C.: Anomalous Nernst effect beyond the magnetization scaling relation in the ferromagnetic Heusler compound Co2MnGa. NPG Asia Materials 11, 16, pp. 1 - 9 (2019)
Journal Article
Vir, P.; Gayles, J.; Sukhanov, A. S.; Kumar, N.; Damay, F.; Sun, Y.; Kübler, J.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.: Anisotropic topological Hall effect with real and momentum space Berry curvature in the antiskrymion-hosting Hensler compound Mn1.4PtSn. Physical Review B 99 (14), 140406, pp. 1 - 5 (2019)
Journal Article
Geishendorf, K.; Schlitz, R.; Vir, P.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Nielsch, K.; Goennenwein, S. T. B.; Thomas, A.: Magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect in micro-ribbons of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2. Applied Physics Letters 114 (9), 092403, pp. 1 - 5 (2019)
Journal Article
Manna, K.; Muechler, L.; Kao, T.-H.; Stinshoff, R.; Zhang, Y.; Gooth, J.; Kumar, N.; Kreiner, G.; Koepernik, K.; Car, R. et al.; Kübler, J.; Fecher, G. H.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.: From Colossal to Zero: Controlling the Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Heusler Compounds via Berry Curvature Design. Physical Review X 8 (4), 041045, pp. 1 - 10 (2018)
Journal Article
Caglieris, F.; Wuttke, C.; Sykora, S.; Süss, V.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Büchner, B.; Hess, C.: Anomalous Nernst effect and field-induced Lifshitz transition in the Weyl semimetals TaP and TaAs. Physical Review B 98 (20), 201107, pp. 1 - 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Neubauer, D.; Yaresko, A.; Li, W.; Löhle, A.; Hübner, R.; Schilling, M. B.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Dresse, M.; Pronin V, A.: Optical conductivity of the Weyl semimetal NbP. Physical Review B 98 (19), 195203, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Journal Article
Hütt, F.; Yaresko, A.; Schilling, M. B.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Dressel, M.; Pronin V, A.: Linear-in-Frequency Optical Conductivity in GdPtBi due to Transitions near the Triple Points. Physical Review Letters 121 (17), 176601, pp. 1 - 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Shekhar, C.: Chirality meets topology. Nature Materials 17 (11), pp. 953 - 954 (2018)
Journal Article
Dong, R.; Han, P.; Arora, H.; Ballabio, M.; Karakus, M.; Zhang, Z.; Shekhar, C.; Adler, P.; Petkov, P. S.; Erbe, A. et al.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Felser, C.; Heine, T.; Bonn, M.; Feng, X.; Cánovas, E.: High-mobility band-like charge transport in a semiconducting two-dimensional metal–organic framework. Nature Materials 17, pp. 1027 - 1032 (2018)
Journal Article
Gooth, J.; Menges, F.; Kumar, N.; Süß, V.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Drechsler, U.; Zierold, R.; Felser, C.; Gotsmann, B.: Thermal and electrical signatures of a hydrodynamic electron fluid in tungsten diphosphide. Nature Communications 9 (1), 4093, pp. 1 - 8 (2018)
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