Publications of H. Aoki

Journal Article (23)

Journal Article
Willers, T.; Adroja, D. T.; Rainford, B. D.; Hu, Z.; Hollmann, N.; Körner, P. O.; Chin, Y.-Y.; Schmitz, D.; Hsieh, H. H.; Lin, H.-J. et al.: Spectroscopic determination of crystal-field levels in CeRh2Si2 and CeRu2Si2 and of the 4f0 contributions in CeM2Si2 (M=Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, and Au). Physical Review B 85 (3), 035117, pp. 035117-1 - 035117-8 (2012)
Journal Article
Matysiak, R.; Kamieniarz, G.; Gegenwart, P.; Aoki, H.; Ochiai, A.: Field-dependent specific-heat of the pure and diluted 4f electron system Yb4As3. Inorganica Chimica Acta 360, pp. 3955 - 3958 (2007)
Journal Article
Kamieniarz, G.; Matysiak, R.; Gegenwart, P.; Aoki, H.; Ochiai, A.: Field-dependent specific heat and magnetization for the S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain Yb4As3: simulation and experiments. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290-291, pp. 353 - 356 (2005)
Journal Article
Sanchez, A.; Paschen, S.; Wand, B.; Aoki, H.; Ochiani, A.; Steglich, F.: Thermal conductivity of the one-dimensional S = 1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4(As1-xPx)3 (x = 0 and 0.3). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Supplement) 272-276, pp. e703 - e705 (2004)
Journal Article
Cichorek, T.; Aoki, H.; Custers, J.; Gegenwart, P.; Steglich, F.; Henkie, Z.; Bauer, E. D.; Maple, M. B.: ThAsSe diamagnet: Evidence for a Kondo effect derived from structural two-level systems. Physical Review B 68 (14), pp. 144411-1 - 144411-7 (2003)
Journal Article
Matysiak, R.; Kamieniarz, G.; Gegenwart, P.; Aoki, H.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: The semimetallic S=1/2 antiferromagnetic chain Yb4As3: quantum transfer-matrix simulations and experimental field-dependent speciric-heat data. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research 237 (2), pp. 549 - 552 (2003)
Journal Article
Kohgi, M.; Iwasa, K.; Mignot, J. M.; Gukasov, A.; Fåk, B.; Hiess, A.; Ochiai, A.; Aoki, H.: Neutron scattering studies of the one-dimensional quantum spin magnetism in Yb4As3. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 74 (Suppl. S), pp. S871 - S873 (2002)
Journal Article
Lang, M.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Wolf, B.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Gegenwart, P.; Schmidt, B.; Steglich, F.; Ochiai, A.: Thermodynamic studies of the field-induced gap in the quasi- one-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3. International Journal of Modern Physics B 16 (20-22), pp. 3018 - 3023 (2002)
Journal Article
Gegenwart, P.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Custers, J.; Jaime, M.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Magnetotransport of the low-carrier density one-dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Pramana-Journal of Physics 58 (5-6), pp. 715 - 723 (2002)
Journal Article
Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Gegenwart, P.; Custers, J.; Lang, M.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Influence of interchain-coupling effects on the low-T properties of the one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Physica B-Condensed Matter 312, pp. 367 - 369 (2002)
Journal Article
Cichorek, T.; Aoki, H.; Gegenwart, P.; Lang, M.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Low-temperature specific heat of non-charge ordered Yb4(As0.36Sb0.64)3 and (Yb0.87Lu0.13)4As3. Physica B 312, pp. 370 - 372 (2002)
Journal Article
Gegenwart, P.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Custers, J.; Harrison, N.; Jaime, M.; Lang, M.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Thermodynamic and transport properties of the one-dimensional S=½ antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Physica B 312, pp. 315 - 320 (2002)
Journal Article
Kimura, S.; Okuno, M.; Iwata, H.; Nishi, T.; Aoki, H.; Ochiai, A.: Low-energy optical conductivity of Yb4As3. Physica B 312, pp. 356 - 358 (2002)
Journal Article
Kohgi, M.; Iwasa, K.; Mignot, J. M.; Fåk, B.; Hiess, A.; Gegenwart, P.; Lang, M.; Ochiai, A.; Aoki, H.; Suzuki, T.: Spin excitations of the one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet Yb4As3 under magnetic field. Physica B-Condensed Matter 312, pp. 359 - 361 (2002)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Gegenwart, P.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Charge ordering and onedimensional magnetism in Yb4As3. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan / Supplement 71, pp. 64 - 69 (2002)
Journal Article
Gegenwart, P.; Cichorek, T.; Custers, J.; Lang, M.; Aoki, H.; Ochiai, A.; Steglich, F.: Low-temperature resistivity and susceptibility of the low-carrier density, one-dimensional S = 1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 226-230, pp. 630 - 632 (2001)
Journal Article
Kimura, S. I.; Okuno, M.; Iwata, H.; Aoki, H.; Ochiai, A.: Temperature Dependence of Low-Energy Optical Conductivity of Yb4(As1-xPx)3 (x=0, 0.5, 0.15). Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70 (10), pp. 2829 - 2832 (2001)
Journal Article
Kohgi, M.; Iwasa, K.; Mignot, J.-M.; Fåk, B.; Gegenwart, P.; Lang, M.; Ochiai, A.; Aoki, H.; Suzuki, T.: Staggered Field Effect on the One-Dimensional S = 1/2 Antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Physical Review Letters 86 (11), pp. 2439 - 2442 (2001)
Journal Article
Schmidt, B.; Aoki, H.; Cichorek, T.; Custers, J.; Gegenwart, P.; Kohgi, M.; Lang, M.; Langhammer, C.; Ochiai, A.; Paschen, S. et al.: Low-energy excitaions of the semimetallic one-dimensional S = 1/2 antiferromagnet Yb4As3. Physica B 300, pp. 121 - 138 (2001)
Journal Article
Steglich, F.; Köppen, M.; Gegenwart, P.; Cichorek, T.; Wand, B.; Lang, M.; Thalmeier, P.; Schmidt, B.; Aoki, H.; Ockiai, A.: MAGNON AND SOLITON EXCITATIONS IN THE CARRIER-POOR, ONE-DIMENSIONAL S = 1/2 ANTIFERROMAGNET Yb4As3. Acta Physica Polonica A 97 (1), pp. 1 - 10 (2000)