Publications of U. Aydemir
All genres
Journal Article (25)
Journal Article
634, pp. 1651 - 1661 (2008)
The Metallic Zintl Phase Ba3Si4 - Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Chemical Bonding, and Physical Properties. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
Journal Article
8, pp. 410 - 415 (2007)
Synthesis of the intermetallic clathrate Na2Ba6Si46 by oxidation of Na2BaSi4 with HCl. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
Journal Article
633, pp. 1575 - 1580 (2007)
Cs4Ge9·en: A novel compound with [Ge9]4- Clusters - Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Vibrational Spectra. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
Journal Article
222, pp. 163 - 164 (2007)
Crystal structure of tetrapotassium diarsenidozincate, K4ZnAs2. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures
Journal Article
632 (7), pp. 1281 - 1286 (2006)
Vibrational Spectra of Cluster Anions.2[1] Vibrational Spectra of Compounds with the Cluster Anions[E4]4-: M4E4 (M = K, Rb, Cs; E = Ge, Sn) and ß-Na4Sn4. Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Preparation and Characterization of Clathrates in the Systems Ba-Ge, Ba-Ni-Ge, and Ba-Ni-Si. Dissertation, X, 275 pp., Technische Universität, Dresden (2012)