Publications of Andreas Leithe-Jasper

Journal Article (172)

Journal Article
Bolielyi, O.; Levytskyi, V.; Wagler, J.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Kundys, B.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Yb5Rh6Sn18: a valence fluctuating system with ultra-low thermal conductivity. Dalton Transactions, pp. 1 - 13 (2024)
Journal Article
Marino, A.; Christovam, D. S.; Takegami, D.; Falke, J.; Carvalho, M. M. F.; Okauchi, T.; Chang, C.-F.; Altendorf, S. G.; Amorese, A.; Sundermann, M. et al.; Gloskovskii, A.; Gretarsson, H.; Keimer, B.; Andreev, A. V.; Havela, L.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Severing, A.; Kuneš, J.; Tjeng, L. H.; Hariki, A.: Quantifying the U 5f covalence and degree of localization in U intermetallics. Phys. Rev. Res. 6 (3), 033068, pp. 1 - 12 (2024)
Journal Article
Gumeniuk, R.; Levytskyi, V.; Kundys, B.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Yb3Rh4Sn13: Two-gap superconductor with a complex Fermi surface. Phys. Rev. B 108 (21), 214515, pp. 1 - 15 (2023)
Journal Article
Agnarelli, L.; Prots, Y.; Krnel, M.; Svanidze, E.; König, M.; Schmidt, M.; Burkhardt, U.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Charge Transfer in Be−Ru Compounds. Chemistry – A European Journal 29 (72), e202302301, pp. 1 - 10 (2023)
Journal Article
Agnarelli, L.; Ormeci, A.; Prots, Y.; Krnel, M.; Svanidze, E.; Schmidt, M.; Burkhardt, U.; Grin, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Stability of the atomic arrangement in Laves phases Be2Fe1–xOsx (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.75) and Be2Fe1–xRux (x ≈ 0.5). Journal of Alloys and Compounds 968, 171911, pp. 1 - 11 (2023)
Journal Article
Agnarelli, L.; Prots, Y.; Ormeci, A.; Ramlau, R.; Krnel, M.; Svanidze, E.; König, M.; Schmidt, M.; Burkhardt, U.; Leithe-Jasper, A. et al.; Grin, Y.: Structural Complexity in the Apparently Simple Crystal Structure of Be2Ru. Chemistry – A European Journal 29 (33), e202300578, pp. 1 - 9 (2023)
Journal Article
Witthaut, K.; Prots, Y.; Zaremba, N.; Krnel, M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.; Svanidze, E.: Chemical and Physical Properties of YHg3 and LuHg3. ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 3 (3), pp. 143 - 150 (2023)
Journal Article
Agnarelli, L.; Prots, Y.; Ramlau, R.; Schmidt, M.; Burkhardt, U.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Mg29–xPt4+y: Chemical Bonding Inhomogeneity and Structural Complexity. Inorganic Chemistry 61 (40), pp. 16148 - 16155 (2022)
Journal Article
de Abrantes, J. G.; Cantarino, M. R.; da Silva Neto, W. R.; Freire, V. V.; Figueiredo, A. G.; Germano, T. M.; Mounssef Jr., B.; Bittar, E. M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Garcia, F. A.: Vibrational and structural properties of the RFe4Sb12 (R=Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba) filled skutterudites. Physical Review Materials 6 (8), 085403, pp. 1 - 10 (2022)
Journal Article
Kohout, M.; Gumeniuk, R.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Chemical Bonding in the Intermetallic Compounds LaBeGe and ThBeGe. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, e202200383, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Agnarelli, L.; Prots, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Krnel, M.; Svanidze, E.; Burkhardt, U.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Be3Ru: Polar Multiatomic Bonding in the Closest Packing of Atoms. ChemistryOpen 11 (6), e202200118, pp. 1 - 7 (2022)
Journal Article
Levytskyi, V.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Akselrud, L.; Kundys, B.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Superconductivity of structurally disordered Y5Ir6Sn18. Dalton Transactions, pp. 10036 - 10046 (2022)
Journal Article
Levytskyi, V.; Svanidze, E.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Crystal, electronic structure and physical properties of U3Rh4Ge13 and Th2Rh3Ge5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 911, 165017, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Lombardi, G. A.; Mydeen, K.; Gumeniuk, R.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Schnelle, W.; dos Reis, R. D.; Nicklas, M.: Pressure Tuning of Superconductivity of LaPt4Ge12 and PrPt4Ge12 Single Crystals. Materials 15 (8), 2743, pp. 1 - 10 (2022)
Journal Article
Feig, M.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Bobnar, M.; Simon, P.; Curfs, C.; Levytskyi, V.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Composition dependent polymorphism and superconductivity in Y3+x{Rh,Ir}4Ge13-x. Dalton Transactions 51 (12), pp. 4734 - 4748 (2022)
Journal Article
Milosavljević, M. D.; Burkhardt, U.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.; Borrmann, H.: Be-stabilized polymorph of MoSi2. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 890, 161420, pp. 1 - 6 (2021)
Journal Article
Koželj, P.; Juckel, M.; Amon, A.; Prots, Y.; Ormeci, A.; Burkhardt, U.; Brando, M.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.; Svanidze, E.: Non-centrosymmetric superconductor Th4Be33Pt16 and heavy-fermion U4Be33Pt16 cage compounds. Scientific Reports 11, 22352, pp. 1 - 9 (2021)
Journal Article
Levytskyi, V.; Wagler, J.; Hennig, C.; Feig, M.; Weigel, T.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Meyer, D. C.; Gumeniuk, R.: Sc3Ir4Si13+x and Sc4Ir7Ge6 - the perovskite-related crystal structures. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 236 (11-12), pp. 313 - 323 (2021)
Journal Article
Feig, M.; Akselrud, L.; Motylenko, M.; Bobnar, M.; Wagler, J.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Levytskyi, V.; Rafaja, D.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Valence fluctuations in the 3D+3 modulated Yb3Co4Ge13 Remeika phase. Dalton Transactions 50, pp. 13580 - 13590 (2021)
Journal Article
Agnarelli, L.; Prots, Y.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, M.; Koželj, P.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.: Mg3Pt2: Anionic Chains in a Eu3Ga2-Type Structure. Inorganic Chemistry 60, pp. 13681 - 13690 (2021)
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