Publications of Satya N. Guin

Journal Article (18)

Journal Article
Litskevich, M.; Hossain, M. S.; Zhang, S.-B.; Cheng, Z.-J.; Guin, S. N.; Kumar, N.; Shekhar, C.; Wang, Z.; Li, Y.; Chang, G. et al.; Yin, J.-X.; Zhang, Q.; Cheng, G.; Cochran, T. A.; Shumiya, N.; Jiang, Y.-X.; Yang, X. P.; Multer, D.; Liu, X.; Yao, N.; Yao, Y.; Felser, C.; Neupert, T.; Hasan, M. Z.: Boundary modes of a charge density wave state in a topological material. Nature Physics, pp. 1 - 10 (2024)
Journal Article
Scott, E. F.; Schlaak, K. A.; Chakraborty, P.; Fu, C.; Guin, S. N.; Khodabakhsh, S.; Puente, A. E. P. Y.; Felser, C.; Skinner, B.; Watzman, S. J.: Doping as a tuning mechanism for magnetothermoelectric effects to improve zT in polycrystalline NbP. Physical Review B 107 (11), 115108, pp. 1 - 12 (2023)
Journal Article
Roychowdhury, S.; Yao, M.; Samanta, K.; Bae, S.; Chen, D.; Ju, S.; Raghavan, A.; Kumar, N.; Constantinou, P.; Guin, S. N. et al.; Plumb, N. C.; Romanelli, M.; Borrmann, H.; G. Vergniory, M.; Strocov, V. N.; Madhavan, V.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.: Anomalous Hall Conductivity and Nernst Effect of the Ideal Weyl Semimetallic Ferromagnet EuCd2As2. Advanced Science 10 (13), 2207121, pp. 1 - 11 (2023)
Journal Article
Chakraborty, T.; Samanta, K.; Guin, S. N.; Noky, J.; Robredo, I.; Prasad, S.; Kuebler, J.; Shekhar, C.; G. Vergniory, M.; Felser, C.: Berry curvature induced anomalous Hall conductivity in the magnetic topological oxide double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6. Physical Review B 106 (15), 155141, pp. 1 - 8 (2022)
Journal Article
Roychowdhury, S.; Singh, S.; Guin, S. N.; Kumar, N.; Chakraborty, T.; Schnelle, W.; Borrmann, H.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.: Giant Topological Hall Effect in the Noncollinear Phase of Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi4Te7. Chemistry of Materials 33 (21), pp. 8343 - 8350 (2021)
Journal Article
Mende, F.; Noky, J.; Guin, S. N.; Fecher, G. H.; Manna, K.; Adler, P.; Schnelle, W.; Sun, Y.; Fu, C.; Felser, C.: Large Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects in High Curie-Temperature Iron-Based Heusler Compounds. Advanced Science 8 (17), 2100782, pp. 1 - 9 (2021)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Lamba, N.; Gayles, J.; Le, C.; Vir, P.; Guin, S. N.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.; Shekhar, C.: Giant Anomalous Hall Conductivity in the Itinerant Ferromagnet LaCrSb3 and the Effect of f-Electrons. Advanced Materials 4 (6), 2100023, pp. 1 - 7 (2021)
Journal Article
Guin, S. N.; Xu, Q.; Kumar, N.; Kung , H.-H.; Dufresne, S.; Le, C.; Vir, P.; Michiardi, M.; Pedersen, T.; Gorovikov, S. et al.; Zhdanovich, S.; Manna, K.; Auffermann, G.; Schnelle, W.; Gooth, J.; Shekhar, C.; Damascelli, A.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.: 2D-Berry-Curvature-Driven Large Anomalous Hall Effect in Layered Topological Nodal-Line MnAlGe. Advanced Materials 33 (21), 2006301, pp. 1 - 8 (2021)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Guin, S. N.; Manna, K.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.: Topological Quantum Materials from the Viewpoint of Chemistry. Chemical Reviews 121 (5), pp. 2780 - 2815 (2021)
Journal Article
Fu, C.; Guin, S. N.; Scaffidi, T.; Sun, Y.; Saha, R.; Watzman, S. J.; Srivastava, A. K.; Li, G.; Schnelle, W.; Parkin, S. S. P. et al.; Felser, C.; Gooth, J.: Largely Suppressed Magneto-Thermal Conductivity and Enhanced Magneto-Thermoelectric Properties in PtSn4. Research 2020, 4643507, pp. 1 - 8 (2020)
Journal Article
Yao, M.; Manna, K.; Yang, Q.; Fedorov, A.; Voroshnin, V.; Schwarze, B. V.; Hornung, J.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Sun, Z.; Guin, S. N. et al.; Wosnitza, J.; Borrmann, H.; Shekhar, C.; Kumar, N.; Fink, J.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.: Observation of giant spin-split Fermi-arc with maximal Chern number in the chiral topological semimetal PtGa. Nature Communications 11, 2033, pp. 1 - 7 (2020)
Journal Article
Schindler, C.; Galeski, S.; Schnelle, W.; Wawrzyńczak, R.; Abdel-Haq, W.; Guin, S. N.; Kroder, J.; Kumar, N.; Fu, C.; Borrmann, H. et al.; Shekhar, C.; Felser, C.; Meng, T.; Grushin, A. G.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.; Gooth, J.: Anisotropic electrical and thermal magnetotransport in the magnetic semimetal GdPtBi. Physical Review B 101 (12), 125119, pp. 1 - 13 (2020)
Journal Article
Thakur, G. S.; Vir, P.; Guin, S. N.; Shekhar, C.; Weihrich, R.; Sun, Y.; Kumar, N.; Felser, C.: Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect in Ni-Substituted Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2. Chemistry of Materials 32, pp. 1612 - 1617 (2020)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Sun, Y.; Nicklas, M.; Watzman, S. J.; Young, O.; Leermakers, I.; Hornung, J.; Klotz, J.; Gooth, J.; Manna, K. et al.; Süß, V.; Guin, S. N.; Förster, T.; Schmidt, M.; Muechler, L.; Yan, B.; Werner, P.; Schnelle, W.; Zeitler, U.; Wosnitza, J.; Parkin, S. S. P.; Felser, C.; Shekhar, C.: Extremely high conductivity observed in the triple point topological metal MoP. Nature Communications 10, 2475, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Guin, S. N.; Vir, P.; Zhang, Y.; Kumar, N.; Watzman, S.J.; Fu, C.; Liu, E.; Manna, K.; Schnelle, W.; Gooth, J. et al.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Felser, C.: Zero-Field Nernst Effect in a Ferromagnetic Kagome-Lattice Weyl-Semimetal Co3Sn2S2. Advanced Materials, 1806622, pp. 1 - 7 (2019)
Journal Article
Guin, S. N.; Manna, K.; Noky, J.; Watzman, S. J.; Fu, C.; Kumar, N.; Schnelle, W.; Shekhar, C.; Sun, Y.; Gooth, J. et al.; Felser, C.: Anomalous Nernst effect beyond the magnetization scaling relation in the ferromagnetic Heusler compound Co2MnGa. NPG Asia Materials 11, 16, pp. 1 - 9 (2019)
Journal Article
Fu, C.; Guin, S. N.; Watzman, S. J.; Li, G.; Liu, E.; Kumar, N.; Süß, V.; Schnelle, W.; Auffermann, G.; Shekhar, C. et al.; Sun, Y.; Gooth, J.; Felser, C.: Large Nernst power factor over a broad temperature range in polycrystalline Weyl semimetal NbP. Energy & Environmental Science 11, pp. 2813 - 2820 (2018)
Journal Article
Kumar, N.; Guin, S. N.; Felser, C.; Shekhar, C.: Planar Hall effect in the Weyl semimetal GdPtBi. Physical Review B 98 (4), 041103, pp. 1 - 4 (2018)
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