Alexandra Gibbs Dr. Alexandra Gibbs +44 (0)1334 46 a.gibbs@... Research activities Quantum materials on the microscopic and mesoscopic scale Research groups: Hicks, Mackenzie, Molenkamp, Meng, Svanidze, H. Zhang, Gibbs, Vool, Menges, Goodge, Poccia, Noad, Yi more Neutron diffraction and small-angle scattering Research groups: Inosov, Stockert, Gibbs more Quantum criticality Research groups: Brando, Khim, Mackenzie, Klauß, Hassinger, Davis, Vojta, Meng, Wosnitza, Gibbs, Nicklas, Noad more Chemical analysis and structure determination Research groups: Grin, Ruck, Doert, Rellinghaus, Wolf, Gibbs, Goodge, Pohl more Available PhD projects All Synthesis, transport and thermodynamics of strongly correlated micro-crystals Chemistry Experiment Physics Supervisors: Dr. Alexandra Gibbs, Dr. Andreas Rost, Prof. Dr. Andrew Mackenzie more